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-THREE YEARS AGO-Is it okay to be this happy?

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Is it okay to be this happy?

Hajoon and I have been dating for two years now and it is... the most glorious time of my life.

My grades are great. My relationship is healthy. My skin is glowing. At this point, I have won at everything in life.

"Girl, how is that ass getting fatter," Amara asked giving it a smack. We decided to rent an apartment together in our second year after being over dorm life.

Now being third year students, our head was more screwed on and the fun side of student life was done. We were almost at the finish line.

Life was way more stressful for Jaylen and Hajoon who were both on their last years. Hajoon was taking it on a stride whilst Jaylen was... stuck in between two minds.

He wanted to finish his degree but also this producer shit is really starting to take off for him. He was even starting to get approached by different artists.

He said last week he even got an OVO email. He's really stuck on where his focus should be but Amara and I are offering him support as always.

"Girl becauseeeee my man, my man, my man be fucking me right," I giggled twerking a bit for her.

"Okay sis, you go on ahead," Amara hyped me up, "you getting really thick or whatever."

I am... gaining weight lately. And craving more food than usual. And my boobs feel swollen and tender. I just cannot crack the code on this.

"Thank you to my man," I joked as Amara and I continued goofing off. "Anyways girl, have you seen the news on Nayla and Somchai?"

"Girl that weddingggggg," she gushed, "how can she land on a lick like that? I love to see black women win like that."

"I know right like ughhhh, so jelly."

"Well, Hajoon gives me he has money tease so, that might be you too."

"And what about Vinnie? He has money too-"

"Fuck that meatball bitch," she rolled her eyes looking at her nails. "I'm so pissed at him right now- The way he fucking stepped to Oliver was so disgusting. He was only a classmate."

I might have or might not have been the one who told him about Oliver... to my defence, all I said is that they were good friends and classmates. And... that he might have a crush on Amara.

Vinnie is just... Vinnie I guess. He wasn't going for it so he pressed Oliver in front of the whole school library. Jaylen brought his other friends to instigate the situation, almost got Oliver fucked up for real.

To be honest, everyone knows Vinnie and Amara are a thing. You approaching Amara on that type of time is a fuck around and find out type of energy.

"Girl, maybe it wasn't that bad," I tried reasoning, "maybe he was just trying-"

"Girl he's an idiot. I am so done with him."

Girl... you aren't. But it's okay.

Vinnie might be hot blooded and a lil toxic but, no doubt Amara is his world. He does treat her like a princess.

Straight up told her he wants he wants her to meet his patents.

"Like what kind of- hold on, why is he calling," she asked answering her phone. "Hello? You're outside?! Vinnie- wait did he hang up on me?"

I burst out laughing as Amara stared at her phone like it was crazy.

"Girl hold on," she rushed standing up and putting her slides on. "He playing with me and he better not I'll beat the shi- hold on." I continued laughing as she ran out the door.

I answered my phone still laughing before the person on the other end joined in the laughing.

"Baby, what's funny," Hajoon asked still recovering. "I don't know what we're laughing at."

"It's just Amara and Vinnie being a mess," I told him drinking water to calm down. "Anyways, hi love, I miss you."

"I miss you way more angel."

We just saw each other like two days ago but it wasn't enough. I need to be stuck to his skin at this point.

"What's happening with you Joonie?"

"Nothing," he smiled, "just my family coming over so nothing exciting... I'd rather hang out with you."

I haven't got the invite to meet Hajoon's family yet but, I understand it. From what he told me, they had a complicated family dynamic.

And not even going to cap... I didn't want to get in the middle of that. He has meet my mum through Facetime a few times and they had a good dynamic.

I think Hajoon liked interacting with my mom because his own mother had passed away. My mum just had a very welcoming vibe so they had good energy towards each other.

"Joonie you'll be ok, just remember to stay calm and not engage if your sister and brother say stuff."

"I'm not angel," he sighed, "I'm just more worried about Suryeon causing problem. Father also said he has something to say. I tried asking Namjoon if he knows but he's being weird."

"Weird how?"

"Just... he seems annoyed with me. He's always been nice to me so I don't know what's going on."

"Don't even think about anything," I calmed him. "You're almost at graduation so don't let anything get to you. You have what? Like a report, essay and end of year research project and you're done."

"That is a fucking lot," he laughed making me giggle, "I do have a lot to worry about including my family."

"But you never crack under pressure so, it's fine. You got this!"

"What would I do without you angel?"

"I don't know... shrivel up and die."

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