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This past week has felt like hell.

Once I found out I was pregnant, this child started showing their whole entire bottom. It didn't want me to sleep. I had nausea all the time and I was living off soup and water because I couldn't eat anything else.

I was so tired and found myself crying to sleep because I just wanted to be in Hajoon's arms.

I had no idea how many more days I had in me.

I was surprised the child hid themselves for so long. I thought I was just bloated but the whole time baby was in here fighting for their life.

I mindlessly stroked my stomach trying to keep the nausea at bay.

"Get up."

I looked up at the man I found out was called Namjoon before laying back down ignoring his presence.

How could Hajoon have such an asshole as a brother? He is so disturbed as a human, I don't want my child inhaling his energy.

Like who kidnaps their brother's pregnant girlfriend and even hits her? A grade A loser.

"You didn't hear me," he questioned in an agitated manner yanking me out of the bed roughly. I yelped feeling pain in my wrists where he tugged me.

"Let go of me," I struggled feeling myself become nauseous. "Stop."

Chile this motion was about to make my breakfast projectile out.

"Do what I'm telling you to do," he yelled in my face causing me to scrunch it. All that spit flying out... no fucking class or manners.

"Okay but you're spitting in my face," I argued trying to mush his face before he slapped me.

It doesn't hurt anymore... bitch. It's predictable for him to hit me when he doesn't like how I'm acting.

Just bottom of the barrel scum.

Just you wait until my man get here... he finna make you feel these little slaps.

"Why aren't you listening to me?!"

"Get the fuck off me," I yelled back feeling just tired and nauseous and like I just missed my man really bad. And I was hungry and needed to pee. "What kind of big brother even are you? Why are you doing this?!"

"Because he stole everything that was important to me! So, it's only fair that he loses what's important to him."

Oh, he really crazy.

This that real delulu shit. You can't argue with crazy."

"Whatever you think he took, it's probably just you being a loser." Because it's giving that.

"Do you really think he should have been chairman over me? I am the oldest."

"And look at yourself, you've kidnapped your little brother's pregnant girlfriend... like does this whole situation make sense to you. Over being a chairman - you're cra-"

I felt the air be knocked out of me as I was roughly pushed backwards into the bed. I stared in confusion before I felt Namjoon straddle me.

No... fucking way.

"What are-"

"I wonder what my brother even sees in a girl like you... let me try it and find out."

"I'm fucking pregnant with your brother's child! Fuck no." Once his hand started making his way underneath my shirt I started trying to push him off.

It is not happening. Ever.

He tried pinning my hands over my head but I kneed him as hard as I could between his legs causing him to roll over in pain.

And you don't have to tell me twice.

I pushed through the nausea running as fast as I could from the room. I almost feel on the last step bolting through into the living room.

Who are these people? Seriously?

I ignored the burly men and rushed past them managing to get outside but... I'm pregnant so that adrenaline was gone and I ran out of breath. One of the guards grabbed me and i immediately became scared that he was holding my stomach so tight.

"Let me go, please," I begged struggling and thrashing about. The men spoke harshly but it's not like I understood Korean.

I knew I was being cussed clean the fuck out. That is universal.

"Stop please, you're holding me too tight," I cried out trying to claw his arms around my waist. "I'm pregnant, please."

My ears felt like they were ringing as a shoot rang out. The weight holding me down dropping instantly. My hands flew to my ears and before I could process what happened my head was pulled into a warm chest preventing me from looking back.

I held tightly to the back of the wool shirt instantly recognising the scent.

Because only he smelled like this.

"Jump up angel," he softly asked covering me with a blanket as I held on for dear life. I felt myself be placed on a car seat but he stood at the door so I couldn't see behind him.

"What's wrong with your face," he asked calmly gently examining my cheek. "Who hit you?"

I held onto his sleeve looking up at him. I just missed his eyes and his hair and his face so much. I gently touched his face feeling myself tear up.

"Have you eaten? Have you been sleeping okay? I really missed you."

He smiled a bit before resting his forehead on mine. He gave me a gentle kiss wiping my tears.

"How are you and the baby," he asked resting his hand on my stomach. I put my hand on top of his feeling his soft hand.

"The baby was braver than me," I grinned as he brought my hand to lips giving it a gentle kiss. "But we both want to go home with you now."

"I know angel but I'll meet up with you later. Mr Kim is going to drive you to the hospital so-"

"No," I refused feeling myself tear up. "Come with me." I tugged on the bottom of his shirt as he kissed away my tears.

"I'm going to be there as soon as baby. I'll take care of this then come to you."

"I can't sleep without you."

"I'll be there by nighttime," he promised as he nodded towards Mr Kim. He sat me properly securing my seatbelt before giving me a gentle kiss.

"Don't look back, angel."

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