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"Is this too much? Not enough? Too short? What do you think?"

"I think if you don't calm down you're gonna have an attack," Amara laughed as she helped fluff out my hair. "I think you look beyond perfect."

I was wearing some denim shorts and a white crop top along with my converses. I had a curly, long wig perfectly installed by Amara. Makeup done to perfection of course and nails and toes done too.

I looked good. But I was doubting it.

Hajoon and I had been texting non-stop, calling each other every night and just face timing whenever one of us had free time.

Him being a Harvard student and me being an MIT one just made seeing each other physically really hard. But he still made an effort to come and deliver bubble tea for me in between lessons.

Over the last two months we had become really close.

Last night, he asked me on a date and... I said yes.

There was no way I'd say no. Sometimes he'd FaceTime me after a shower with no shirt on and he had such nice abs... and veins along his arms... he was just so good looking.

"Just remember, you're a bad bitch, you're the prize not him. If he starts being creepy text me a single letter and I'll call you and an Uber," Amara reiterated for the fourth time.

"I heard it mom. I'll be careful."

"Where do you want to eat?"

"You can pick," I replied feeling shy as i tried to be lowkey as I ogled Hajoon driving.

His t shirt accentuated his muscles and the veins on his hands and arms popped out as he focused... and his car smelled so clean. Plus it's a sexy car... I have never been inside a Porsche.

Gosh, am I a hormonal teenager?

"But I wanna try something you like," he laughed lightly as he smiled. His smile reaching his eye as he quickly glanced at me.

Voice so deep and strong...

I crossed my legs hoping to calm down.

"Thennnn... I wanna try something you like," I replied back making us both laugh a bit.

"Then, how do you feel about Korean barbecue?"

"I've never been but if you like it, I want to try."

"You'll like it," he assured, "I'll take you to one I really like."

Have I ever thought Korean was an attractive language before?

Seeing Hajoon speak to the lady at the restaurant as he ordered whatever for us was so sexy. He just radiated confidence and the lady smiled as she wrote down our order.

I looked at the grill in the middle of the table already excited.

One thing about me... imma eat it. I'm not a shy girl. Plus it's a free meal and I'm a college student. Cannot afford to be picky.

"I ordered a bit of everything on the menu so you can try. I hope you like it."

"I'm excited," I replied with a wide smile. "The restaurant is a vibe too."

Private boots. Dim lighting and not super loud music, my type of place.

"You look really good, angel," Hajoon complimented reaching for my hand. "But you're really pretty so it's not hard for you to look good."

"Thank you," I replied with a smile feeling shy.

Sometimes Hajoon would call me nicknames. Angel was his favourite and when I asked him why, he wouldn't tell me. He said he'd tell me one day. Princess was his second favourite nickname for me with baby and sweetheart also ranking somewhere.

It always made me so shy.

In a good way. Plus he wasn't afraid to compliment me or say things to make me feel good.

We made conversation talking about anything and everything. Conversation never ran dry for us. He was in the middle of showing me a meme video on Twitter when the food arrived.

There were a few cuts of raw meat displayed and a lot and I mean lot of side dishes along with two bowls of rice. The lady also placed two sets of metal chopsticks before wishing us a good meal.

"I'll grill the meat," Hajoon told me switching on the grill. "You just sit back and relax princess."

Good because I have no idea on where to start.

Hajoon grilled the meat and arranged the table in a certain way as I watched. We kept talking and I felt like a curious child asking him to tell me what stuff was.

He fed me with his chopsticks some of the side dishes. Once the meat was done, he constructed some sort of wrap.

"Here angel, try it," he told me as he fed it directly to my mouth.

Fuck... this is good.

"Hajoon, I want more," I told him before guiding his hand without warning into my mouth and eating the wrap he was holding. "You have to feed me," I explained giggling at his expression, "I don't know how to use chopsticks."

"Ah," he replied with a mischievous smile, "I'll teach you. Come closer."

I scooted closer to him but he pulled me gently so that I was sitting in between his legs. It was a spacious and private booth so I doubt anyone could see us but... I still felt shy and hot.

"Angel you hold it like this and then you pick up your food like this," he explained guiding my hands with his own. I could feel his lips near my ear.

I could melt.

"Are you okay baby," he asked teasingly. "If you tell me to stop, I will. So let me know how you're feeling."

"Y-You're fine, just show me how to pick up rice again."

He explained again gently guiding my hand. This time one of his hands made its way to my bare thigh as he squeezed it gently.

I never felt this wet before.... This is crazy.

"Angel, feed me," he teased with a laugh as his lips pressed against my neck. "I'm hungry." His hand grazed my clothed pussy as he made the request.

Wait... we're still talking about food, right?

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