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I can't believe I am here

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I can't believe I am here.

Am I really in Korea? Me? A black woman?

And this penthouse chile? It is beyond bougie. It is giving royalty.


Hajoon was completely against staying in his family home. I wasn't going to politic to stay within the vicinity of his father and his evil ass sister.

Yeah I'm not one of them. I would like to be civil with his family but he's barely civil with his own family... my black ass has no business even stepping in that arena at the moment.

Imma stay in my business.

Anyways Hajoon was telling me that the Signiel Seoul is the most tallest building in the whole of Korea. He said it was hard getting a penthouse here but he had to have it.

And I'm glad he had because this view... my man, my man, my man.

"You like it baby?"

Hajoon hugged me from behind as I continued staring at the whole of the city. I was just so mesmerised. I can't imagine seeing this view at night but... I don't have to imagine because I can see it at night time.

"I didn't even know you had this."

"I can get you properties with views like these whenever you like," he smiled kissing my neck.


"Yeah, all you have to do is be with me."

You thought I was going somewhere? Come hail, come thunder, I'm not leaving my Hajoon ever again.

This right here, yeah... I'm fighting for dick too.

"Come on baby," he laughed directing me away from the window. "Let me show you the rest."

The penthouse even had a maid's quarter... the bathroom was such a vibe too like it was so beautiful with marble and everything. And there was a whole upstairs area to view the penthouse from above. Huge ceilings too I felt so small.

I couldn't stop gawking honestly.

"I didn't really do any decorating," Hajoon admitted getting some water from the fridge. "This is basically the furniture that came with the house so... if you want to decorate, it's up to you. I have quite a few hous-"

"Joonie, I can decorate?! Are you serious?"

"Yeah," he laughed. "What's mine, is yours. I can get you in contact with a good interior designer and you two do your thing."

I jumped on Hajoon as I kissed his face. He held me as I wrapped my legs around him all happy and shit.

"Thank you," I giggled feeling shy. "I feel so... spoiled."

"You should be spoiled. You are my princess."

"I wish... we could have had our kid. I wanted to... have your child. This would have made this moment perfect," I blurted out as Hajoon let me down.

Sometimes I feel very... sad that I lost the baby. I always dream of having Hajoon's child and being a family. I would be devastated if I couldn't get pregnant anymore.

The doctor did a check up with me whilst I was in hospital and the doctor didn't detect anything wrong with me. The miscarriage was just an unfortunate incident and that makes it worse.

I've always wanted to be a mom so if I couldn't give Hajoon any kids... I would feel so upset.

"It'll happen for us," he assured bending slightly to kiss my forehead. "We'll have our baby when the time is right."

"But... what if I can't have kids? Like something wrong with me? Like this beautiful house and you have money and-?"

"I love you," he reassured cutting off my little ramble. "If you can't have kids, we'll work through it. I'm here for you. Whatever happens I'm not leaving."

"Kiss me," I mumbled as Hajoon gave me a soft kiss. At that moment, even though I was freaking out, I felt like he knew how to ground me.

I felt very safe and protected.

"You're going to be okay angel?"

"Yeah, you asked me a million times," I laughed as I made sure his suit jacket was on properly. "We had lunch. We stocked up on snacks and food and Netflix is on the TV. All I'll do is sit here and wait for you."

"Angel you have mine and Mr Kim's numb-"

"Numbers if anything happens I'll call you immediately," I cut him off playfully rolling my eyes. He had told me the same shit so many times. "It's six in the evening, I promise im not going anywhere. I'm going to wait for you handsome."

Hajoon had a meeting with some very important people so it had to be discrete. Hajoon asked me to stay in the penthouse because he asked me to stay put.

To be honest, I didn't mind. It was probably going to be an important meeting in Korean, I had no interest in going. What was I going to understand?

Plus, we went outside already. We went for lunch and some sightseeing around the area. Plus Hajoon took me to a Korean convenience store and supermarket and we food and snack shopped. That's all I wanted to do.

"Okay angel," he smiled kissing me as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "Be good for me angel."

"Girl, do you know who he is meeting," Amara asked as she fixed her lipgloss using the face time screen

It was eight in the evening here but it was like six am where Amara was. Thankfully she wakes up at this time to start getting ready for work so I had an opportunity to speak to her.

"He said it's work stuff girl so you already know I zoned out." I was chewing on some sweets as I spoke to her. "Girl that lip gloss is cuteee, what is it?"

"I'll send you the link and thank you love," Amara smiled making a kissy face.

We continued laughing and talking about girlie stuff until Amara had to go to make her way to work. I watched some Selling Sunset on Netflix just waiting for Hajoon to come back.

I felt so happy.

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