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"So she said she hates you? Damn... was it hard to hear?"

"It was but she didn't mean it."

"Spoken like a true toxic nigga H."

I laughed before doing my handshake with Jaylen. "My man," I quoted making him laugh harder.

"I'm serious you two," Giovani sighed clearly done with our antics. "You came back from Korea and she hates you... like-"

Jaylen and Giovani were my two friends for life. We never stopped communicating even when I finished University and went back to Korea for graduation.

I had some stuff I had to wrap up.

At first, Jaylen didn't understand why I was doing something so... drastic but, he respected it. He was mad for a while but we sorted it out.

We're brothers.

"Stop stressing," I cut him off. "She's good. We're good. She's mad right now but she'll leave soften up. It's Neuza."


Just her name sounds good.

She's the first girl, I have ever loved and she'll be the only one. I told her this and I meant it.

The way I feel for her is one in a million.

I know she's hurt right now but, I had to make a decision. It was hard on her but it was hard on me too.

I made the wrong choice. I was young and stupid. And I didn't have a plan or priorities. But I'm ready now.

I'm ready to make her my world now.

"So, what now?" Jaylen spun in my chair as he continued texting on his phone.

"Just make sure we keep 'accidentally' being in the same spaces," I smiled as we fist bumped.

Yes. Jaylen did tell me Neuza was going to be at Billionaires Lounge last week. He didn't tell me to show up but... how could I not? The last three years, I have been keeping an eye on Neuza from a distance. Both through Jaylen and... my personal sources.

It was so annoying having to stay back and not communicate but now, I am free to do that.

And I want my girl back. By whatever means necessary.

"You two are just demons... like what in the toxic behaviour is this," Geovani asked completely disgusted.

Geo is our friend but he does not approve of the way Jaylen and I move. He would rather I go straight to Neuza and grovel and... I will do that but, she's a programmer.

She likes the games and psychological warfare.

But Geo is just a... lover boy but the mushy kind. He wants to overflow a girl with love and emotion. But most girls find it suffocating.

"You need to learn from us," Jaylen stated, "maybe you could get yourself a bitch or two. Hop out of your emotions."

"It is so draining to play games like why not just tell Neuza you love her and slowly win her heart back?"

"This is the way to win her heart back," I confirmed picking up my tablet and making a note of a flower shop. "This is how we've always played."

After a hard workout session, I left the shower feeling fresh and energised. I sat on the couch as I gazed at the view that captured the whole city.

At night, it was even more amazing.

This is the most expensive penthouse in the city. And it was mine. The complex of course owned and funded by my family as soon as I said I wanted to live here.

There weren't a lot of things I couldn't own.

I knew from a very young age that I was completely different from those around me. I had whatever I wanted. I had access to the best. The best tutors, the best food, the best schools.... The best private jet. The other kids were always trying to suck up to me.

It was all suffocating.

It felt like everyone was always watching me. And my parents... let's just say they expected a lot out of me. Even though I was the youngest.

I know my siblings hated me for being the golden child. My father decided from a young age that I should get everything.

Maybe it was my stoic, calculating nature that showed very early. From that perspective... I was the best to lead one of the biggest empires in the whole of Korea.

But I made a decision to study abroad. I wanted to finish my University year with a little bit of freedom. Away from anyone that knew me and my father accepted.

Only because it was the Harvard University.

And then I met her and... it was the first time someone was looking at me and not Lee Hajoon. It was like she was getting to know my... essence... my being... my origin.

I knew from our first conversation that Neuza was different. And I didn't feel the need to hide it. She was just simply amazing.

I felt saved by her.

My angel.

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