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In the dying moments of the soccer practice match, with the score delicately balanced, Rin Itoshi found himself in a pivotal position to make a lasting impression. As he skillfully navigated through the opposing defenders, determination etched on his face, he couldn't shake off the knowledge that Y/n, whose presence on the benches fueled his drive, was watching.

The crowd's anticipation heightened as Rin approached the goal, his every move calculated. Y/n, with an intrigued gaze, followed Rin's every stride, sensing the impending excitement. As the defenders closed in, Rin executed a swift feint, leaving them momentarily bewildered.

With a burst of speed, Rin neared the goalpost, and the air crackled with anticipation. In that crucial moment, he unleashed a powerful kick, the ball hurtling towards the net with precision. The crowd erupted in cheers, and Y/n couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for Rin's skillful play.

Rin's celebration was not just a victory for the team but a deliberate display, a way to impress Y/n with his prowess on the soccer field. Their eyes met in that triumphant moment, and Rin couldn't have been prouder of the goal that not only secured the win but also left an indelible mark on Y/n's memory.

"Let's go and congratulate them!" Kumi dragged Y/n to the field.

The guys were drenched in sweat, everyone having their own towel to clean off the dampness.

"I knew you guys would win!" Kumi grinned while going to side hug Reo.

"That was an amazing game, congrats guys" Y/n gave a warm smile.

Everyone who was still catching their breath broke into a smile "Thank you Y/n" everyone chanted.

"Y/n can I please have your water bottle?" Nagi asked, looking intensely at the bottle that you were holding.

"Oh yeah sure" Y/n handed him the bottle, he immediately chug it down within 3 seconds.

"Bro kissed her indirectly" Bachira teased and mumbled "wish that was me tho".

"Bruh I was hella thirsty okay" Nagi shook his head.

Y/n noticed Rin a little distanced from the team, he was in the back cleaning his sweat, while talking to Aryu.

Y/n were pretty impressed on how Rin was in the field, sure she knew he was the prodigy of the team but she didn't think he would be that good.

Y/n watched his tall figure, well built body, those beautiful bottom lashes of his, the teal eyes that could be mesmerized by anyone, she wasn't just impressed by his skills, he was also a pretty good looking guy, unbelievable she thought.

Rin noticed her stare right away, both pairs of eyes staring at each other no one dared to look away, Y/n was about to approach him but Nagi called her.

"Y/n can you help me dry my hair please" Nagi who was pretty lazy asked you a favor.

"Bro, are you really that lazy?" Isagi shook his head.

"Okay" Y/n agreed, she approached Nagi, taking the towel that was hanging on his shoulder and dried his hair. "Can you bend down a bit, you're so tall" Y/n asked while struggling trying to dry his hair.

"Fine~" Nagi bent down, his face facing right in front of her, Y/n gently dried his hair while Nagi just shut his eyes.

On the other hand, Rin was watching the whole scene, that sudden scene made him feel weird. He didn't know why but he wanted to punch Nagi.

Of course Aryu didn't fail to notice "Do you like her?" Aryu questioned while raising his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" Rin let out a frustrated tone.

"I noticed you staring at her a lot, i can't blame you though her hair is so glam i want her hair products" Aryu said while twirling his long shiny hair.

"Then ask her" Rin turned around, leaving the field but Bachira grabbed his wrist.

"We're going to celebrate in a restaurant, wanna come?" Bachira asked Rin, he let go of his wrist and answered "No".

"Come on don't be a party pooper, even these two pretty ladies are going" Shidou yelled putting his arm on Y/n shoulder, making her a little uncomfortable.

Rin was indecisive but in the end he agreed to go with them, after all he gets a chance to stay a little longer with Y/n.

The walk to the restaurant was a little bit long, like 20 minutes away, everyone had their buddy to talk to but Y/n was walking in silence, Rin took this opportunity to approach her and talk to her.

"Hey" Rin greets her by keeping a distance between them.

"Oh hi" Y/n greeted back looking up at his face, he was indeed very tall.

They kept walking side to side, with a comfortable silence until Y/n broke it.

"I didn't know you were this good in soccer" Y/n complimented him, making Rin hide his face.

"Hard work pays it off" Rin replied "You're pretty good at volleyball too".

"Thanks, the sport was pretty hard for me at first but were getting there now" Y/n sighed thinking about all the difficulties that she went through just to be the a good player that she is now.

"You kno- watch out!" Rin pulled Y/n by her wrist, making her stumble and face make contact into Rin's hard chest.

"There was a huge rock on your way, you could have tripped" Rin said looking down at you.

This action didn't fail to make Y/n blush, Rin just protected her from falling.

"Oh thank you" Y/n thanked, pulling away from him.

"Be careful next time Y/n"

Y/n just nodded continuing their walk to the restaurant.

After making it to the place they suggested, Y/n sat down next to Nagi since he was begging her, there was a free seat next to her on the right and Rin hadn't found a seat yet so he took that seat.

Everyone ordered their food and their drinks to accompany, when the food arrived, everyone quickly ate their food.

While everyone was done eating, you noticed Rin's half eaten food which made you furrow your eyebrows.

"Rin are you done eating?" Y/n wondered.

"I need to keep my figure to have a healthy diet" Rin replied.

"But you need to eat more to have energy for the next day, under-eating for an athlete is bad you know" Y/n said in a worried tone.

Rin looked at her, it was his first time that someone would worry about his diet, he usually goes on a strict diet which doesn't allow him to enjoy delicious food. Rin considered her words.

"You're right, I'm sorry" Rin began to eat the rest of his food making Y/n grin, she loves to watch people enjoy their food, it makes her happy.

Crossing courts | Rin ItoshiOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora