Chapter 20: Business

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Lots of things had happened since my father had asked me that fateful question.

I had sat Leonardo down to ask his opinion on a change of scenery, his reaction had surprised me, he was excited to get away from New York.

After the decision was made, a lot of preparations had to be done. I knew I probably wouldn't be back to New York any time soon, so I had to sort out my studio and my belongings.

We were all happy then sad about leaving the city, mainly because Meredith couldn't come with us. Although she had promised to visit during the holidays.

After about a month, everything was settled, all that was left for us to do was get on a plane. It was quite astonishing how quickly and smoothly things went, when you used criminal connections. I couldn't remember why I had decided to choose a harder life for myself by trying to live on the straight and narrow.

I looked down at my packed luggage, doing a mental inventory to check if I had forgotten anything.

As soon as I was done, we headed to the airport. I was getting more and more excited to show Leonardo the country where I grew up. It seems though, that the only thing on the teenage boy's mind was to visit the school he would soon be starting at.

He was a bit nervous as he was starting later than everyone else, but I had reassured him that he would make friends really fast.

Five months later

Things had been going exceptionally well since we had arrived in Moscow. Leonardo had started school and had made two friends. He was bringing them around today and I was excited to get to know them a bit more.

Ever since he started school he seemed like a normal, happy teenage boy. The person he was now, was far removed from who he was under Aurelio's care and I couldn't be happier.

I was knee deep in preparations, as tomorrow was the day Leonardo returned to school after  wonderful holidays.

We had taken a trip to the Philippines, all of us and Meredith. 

I had taken my son to my mom's grave to introduce them.

Then, Dad and I spent the next few days showing Leonardo and Meredith the most beautiful spots in Davao and the most delicious foods to eat.

I was almost done with the preparations and was eager to talk to my father. Whilst in Davao, a business idea had come to me and I wanted to discuss it with him.

As soon as the last towel was folded, I ran to the other side of the house. On the way there, I collided with my father.

Just the man I was looking for.

Without even allowing myself to catch a breath, I said "Dad, I kinda have an idea for a business but I don't how feasible it would be. I think this is something I want to do with my life though, so I'd appreciate any advice you have."

He looked at me, curious as to what I was about to say next.

Then I laid out the plan, based on years of seeing couples like this and my own marriage, I wanted to start a business for women like me.

Not everyone was able to retaliate the way I did, so I wanted to find them and help them. Maybe bring a therapist on board to provide some insight into their situation. Then I would train them and provide them with the ressources at my disposable, they could either use those to leave their misogynistic husbands or to level the play field.

No more letting these men chip away at your dignity because they were stronger or had more power. No more letting them treat their spouse like a mere possession.

These women could be in charge of their own choices and destiny again. They could have the option of being more than obedient little things to their husbands. They could be more than trophies.

Over the next few months, we started devising a viable plan,the whole guild got roped into my plan, lending me their help and their ear. They also helped me land my first client.

Her name was Lilian Sommerset, she was a sweet American raised Russian girl, whose newly rich father married her to the oligarch Mikhail Petrov.

Unfortunately, it seemed Lilian's father was either naive or didn't care about his daughter. As Mikhail Petrov had quite a reputation, he enjoyed breaking his girlfriends' innocence, slowly and surely.

One had killed herself a month ago, which had prompted Mikhail to search for a wife. It seemed the monster was done playing around and wanted to finally settle down and have children.

Mikhail's dream had always been to marry a woman like his mother. It seemed that from years of watching his father belittle and abuse his mother, he didn't learn the right lessons. Instead of wanting to be a better man, especially after his mother's suicide, he wanted to be as feared and powerful as his father.

I had talked to him a long time ago in passing and he had claimed that nowadays women weren't as feminine and reliable as his mother.

When he had met Lilian Sommerset, a Russian-American, at a recent function, it seemed he had found exactly what he wanted. An innocent woman, that seemed pliable and docile, who had nowhere else to run and would have to endure him, for better or for worse.

I looked at the file in front of me, it seemed Lillian had tried to ask her father for help. Unfortunately, the newly rich Lucas Sommerset, knew he couldn't do anything against Mikhail, unless he wanted to be entirely wiped out. He had enquired about what to do and that's how we had found Lillian's case.

As I welcomed her into my office, she stared at the sentence inscribed in my wall, " Your dark brooding beau seemed like a kinky dream at first, but now won't respect you? We'll make him listen."

Lillian was shy, she kept tugging at her sleeves to hide the obvious bruises on her arms. I put my arm around her and she nearly jumped out of her own skin. I smiled at her reassuringly "Mikhail is no easy man to deal with, but don't worry one bit, I'll show you how to bring him to his knees."

To a woman so scared, it might have seemed like a promise I couldn't fulfill. She would soon learn though, that in this country, nobody is more powerful than an assassin.

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