Chapter 12: Mismatched Expectations

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I'm dropping the chapter a little earlier since I can't wait for you to read it :)


Aurelio's POV:
For the first time in days, I rest easy.

My wife just sent me a text announcing that she would be coming back home the next day.

The lump in my throat was slowly disappearing, and the world seemed less dark.

After the confrontation at her apartment, I felt like I was really coming apart. I was enraged and distraught.

She had taken my kind gesture and twisted it into something it was never meant to be.

I could admit that it was wrong of me to have followed her around without telling her.

I didn't think it was the horrible sin she was making it out to be; I had been raised to go for what I wanted. I felt this was a quality she should appreciate in me. I was after all the one that had brought us together, and I was the one holding us together.

To keep the peace, I would apologize to her for following her without her knowledge, but I could never stop doing it. I wouldn't hide it from her this time around, though. I planned on explaining to her that, as her husband, it was my duty to never leave my woman out of my sight and unprotected. She might fight it at first; she was fiery and independant after all, but I knew in my heart that, in time, she would come not only to accept it but also to love it.

When she sent me those papers, I felt my heart shatter. Everything I had worked for seemed to be crashing down in front of me. I was in a rage for days after receiving my divorce papers.

Fortunately, my parents had been advising me, and it seemed like their counsel paid off.

My mom had been playing it a little aggressively; she had first advised me to drag her back, kicking and screaming, if that's what it took. She was a bit old-fashioned; to her married couples should always stay together; after all, the wedding vows do say, "Till death do us apart."

When she saw that I was horrified by her suggestion, she toned it down. Her and my father advised me to keep my distance, but I still let her know that I was always there. They also helped me pick out the gifts—things that were thoughtful but not creepy.

I was proud of myself for being so patient; love really does change a man, it seems.

In my previous marriage, I used to be rather impatient and stubborn, pushing through with what I wanted. I supposed I got that from my mother.

After what happened to Leona, Leonardo's mother, I felt it was perhaps time to reevaluate how I approached disagreements. I had felt so guilty when she had died, despite my mother's reassurance that I wasn't at fault and that Leona was simply too fragile for this world.

I set out to prepare the house for her return, as I wanted the next evening to be as smooth as possible for our reconciliation.

I went to Leonardo's room to inform him, "Just a heads up, your mother will be coming back tomorrow. I'd like you to spend the night at your grandparents, if that's alright with you. Me and your mother have a lot to talk about."

He slowly nodded at me. He had been lethargic since Kahina left.

The next day, I spent most of my time preparing a meal, as it seemed she appreciated my cooking. I set up the living room like an intimate, cozy diner.

I sent the bodyguards away for the night; the threat against us was over, and their presence on such a special night might trigger Kahina more than anything.

The time for her to come back home was fast approaching, so I quickly sent Leonardo off to my parents. I was so excited, I didn't even have time to watch him go in. I just sped up as soon as his feet hit the pavement.

I showered, put on a nice cologne, and wore a nice green moss suit, as it seemed Kahina loved color.

It wasn't long before my wife rang the door. I opened it to find her looking superb on our house's porch.

She was wearing a long blood red dress with a split on the left side and red heels. Her neck was adorned with a golden serpent necklace.

It seemed she had put in as much effort as me—not that she needed to, but it boded well for tonight. She was also carrying a small bag and an overnight bag, which made me think that she might be spending the night.

I took her overnight bag and put it inside, then ushered her towards her first surprise—our living room turned cozy Italian diner for the night.
I could see her slowly taking it in, and my heart swelled with pride. Good job, me!

I pulled a chair for her to sit on while I went into the kitchen to serve us our entree. I had spent most of last night making the perfect menu, as I knew she was a foodie.

For the entree, I settled on a roasted squash, shrimp, and croutons salad with a lemon dressing. I was very proud of myself as I sat it in front of her, and she looked at it, then at me, amazed.

I had never experienced this, the joy it brought me to see her eat so happily, I could watch her for hours. We didn't really talk while eating; we just exchanged glances with comfortable silence stretching between us.

I got up to serve us the second dish, a duck with mustard sauce and roast potatoes on the side.

Whilst I was spooning everything on the second plate, I felt her come up behind me. It seemed I had done well enough for her to want to approach me like this. I felt her hand encircle me from behind, and a warm feeling spread through my body.

Her hand was roaming around my body.
Then I felt a prickle on my skin.

What was in my hand dropped to the floor, shattering loudly.

I turned to her; her eyes looked unlike ever before—cold, cruel, and excited.

Before I could utter any words, I slumped down, and the world went black.

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