Chapter 15: History Repeats Itself

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First thing first, I needed to draw up a plan and get some information about Aurelio's parents, what the layout of their house was, what their security was like. My perfect plan would only work if we couldn't be interrupted by anyone.

Otherwise I wouldn't get much satisfaction out of this kill.

For the next few days, I watched their house, learned their routine, how many guards they had and studied the weak points of their mansion.

Everyone was on high alert after Aurelio's murder. His father had to step back into his role as Capo to seek revenge for his son. It seemed for now, they thought this was the doing of another enemy family. Everybody was franctically looking for me and Leonardo.

His father had been sending men out in masses to threaten and attack the other families. He only kept by his side two bodyguards.

It seemed he was too cocky or just too enraged. No matter, this was perfect for me.

After accounting for most factors, I was ready to set my plan in motion.

The morning of the reckoning, I was explaining to Leonardo that Meredith would be baysitting him for the day as I had some matters to finish up.

He interrupted me "You can just say you're gonna kill my grandparents, it's not a taboo subject. I'm not gonna get sad or anything. Paul was always a bitch who didn't respect my boundaries and  always stood back letting his wife do anything she wanted." I was shocked this was the first time, I had ever heard Leonardo be so aggressive.

I noded "You're right, you deserve to know since it's your family. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth."

He looked at me quizically "I didn't inform you that I knew so you would apologize, you're so weird. I told you so that you wouldn't walk on eggshells around me, you just got rid of your controlling husband, be free. Also, I'd like to take part."

This was officially one of the strangest conversation I'd ever been a part of, I hesitated a bit before saying "That would be at the very least, traumatizing or at most child abuse, I think, so no you're not coming".

Leonardo narrowed his eyes at me "You're stealing the only revenge I could ever go through, before I can accomplish it, wouldn't that qualify as child abuse too? I'm not asking you for something big, I just want a small role, it's not like I'm going to watch, I just want to feel like I participated so I can feel a bit vindicated. Anyway, either you find a way to put me in coach or I'll just sneak up in there."

Damn he was a stubborn one, was that what he saw in me? Besides the murderous nature, did we also share stubborness?
I remembered giving my father that same ultimatum when he went to kill the doctor who let my mother die through his negligence. I remembered him giving into my request. I couldn't fathom how I would feel if he had denied me that. Yet, here I was, in his exact position, toying with the idea of depriving my son from this experience.

I massaged my temples, then looked back at him.

He looked so cute trying to act imposing. This was a difficult position to be in, as he was a child, my child even, that I wanted to do right by. But on one hand, I would be pissed if someone took my revenge right from under my nose. But then again, this might have terrible effects on a child, participating in murderous revenge at such a young age.

I tried to dodge "The plan is already made up, there is no way I can fit you in."

He looked at me grinning from ear to ear "If that's the only issue, don't worry, I've thought about it and came up with a splendid solution. We'll do get help, I mean how could they turn away their visibly injured grandson? Even in a time of high alert, I'm their only remaining link to their son."

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