Chapter 8: Mother

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Heyy here is a AI little pic of Aurelio :)In the next chapters you'll get one of Kahina and Leonardo

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Heyy here is a AI little pic of Aurelio :)
In the next chapters you'll get one of Kahina and Leonardo.


I wake up giddier than usual, for today Meredith is coming to visit. I haven't seen my best friend since the wedding, which, granted, hasn't been that long, but I miss her very much.

I quickly do my skincare routine and head downstairs to cook us some good food. I'm still not used to the maid, and despite Aurelio telling me multiple times that I can get her to cook me anything I want, I'd rather do it myself.

I frantically look for the waffle maker before resigning myself to ask the maid to fetch it for me. Meredith loves waffles, especially with peach slices on top and smothered in maple syrup. So that is what I'm making for our little get-together. Alongside some fruit salad, a chive omelette, and some hot chocolate, as it's getting quite cold out.

I lose myself so much in cooking that I don't hear the bell ring. Meredith surprises me by starting to tickle my sides. "I got lost in cooking again, didn't you, sweetness?" She says this while hugging me.

I nod enthusiastically. I am still in my pajamas, while Meredith looks like she stepped off a runway. In front of anybody else, I'd be embarrassed by how I look, but she has seen me after getting drunk on tequila, so this is not that big of a deal.

We take the plates to the small garden outside to eat, surrounded by beautiful greenery. But also so we can sneak a cigarette, like teenagers afraid of being scolded by a teacher.

We chatted away for hours, talking about Meredith's latest settlement, her next lawsuit against a big pharmaceutical corporation, my next project, and my marriage. Hours seem to go by so fast with Meredith; not a second is spent bored.

She pulls out a small box from her bag and slides it towards me. "I had a colleague go to Morocco recently, and I asked if he could bring me back these. I know the only reminder you have of your country and culture is that necklace your mother made. I thought these would be nice to have as well." I open the box, and in it, gorgeous gold Khmissa earrings lay.

I envelop her in a big bear hug to thank her.

"So how is it going with that sexy husband of yours? Reassure me, you've taken him to bed, right?" Meredith asks, curiosity dripping from her voice.

I look at her, confused. "No, not yet; we haven't arrived at that stage of our relationship."

"Weird, you're usually much more active in sexual pursuits. And he is very handsome, tall, and muscular. Are you not attracted to him? How can you not fuck that?" She seems genuinely puzzled, which gives me pause.

I take the time to think about it; on a quick inspection, Aurelio is attractive. I didn't really take time to see if I was attracted to him; I knew that he was very handsome, of course, but nothing beyond that. Also, we hadn't even talked about the sex part of our relationship. I was so wrapped up in all the other matters that I didn't think to bring it up. He was handsome, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to sleep with him yet. For a man such as him, I needed more of an emotional connection before we moved to that stage of our relationship. For a man like him, everything would be about power over another person, especially sex.

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