"Just so you know, we all like older women. Some of us even prefer them. Age has never really mattered to us. When someone as beautiful as you are shows up, who treats us as just normal guys, well, we can't help but be shocked in a good way. And be very attracted to you."

His lips softly touch mine. And the jolt of electricity I felt before, turns into a full blown lighting bolt. He lightly licks my lips and I part my lips as the kiss deepens. As our tongues dance, he pushes me up against the wall. Our breathing becomes heavier. His hand slowly travels from my waist to my breast. I feel his erection growing against me. As his thumb starts slowly rubbing my nipple through my clothes, I let out a moan and grind into his erection. The moan he releases makes the dampness between my legs spread. Slowly, he pulls away and rest his forehead on mine as we try to catch our breath.

"I think, I think I'd better go to my room before this goes any further tonight. We've had too much to drink. I want you. I know feel how much I want you, " he says as he grinds his erection into my stomach. "I just want to make sure you are ready before we go any further. But let me kiss you one more time before you go in. Your kisses are addictive."

As we eventually break off the kiss, I moan at the loss. Chris takes one last look at me, his eyes dark with desire, and walks back next door to his apartment. Right before he gets to his door he turns and tells me good night and sweet dreams. As I hear his door shut, I finally open mine and go in. As the door clicks shut, it hits me and I slide down the door to sit on the cold floor.

What the hell just happened? Christopher Bang Chan, Lee Know AND Jeongin just kissed me! ME! I am so glad neither kid is awake because I just know my whole body is tomato red. And right now, I can't explain to them. My body is currently on fire. The overload of emotions and sensations I'm feeling are driving me insane. I've got to be dreaming. I have to be.

But I'm not. I just fucking made out with THE Christopher Bang Chan in the hallway! The memory of his hand on my breast fondling me, the kiss. Oh fuck, I wanted it. Oh my god, how badly I want more. The feeling of his erection and how big he felt. Fuck.I know I'm wet. I can feel the wetness as I squeeze my legs together.

It's been so long since I was touched like that. I wanted more, so much more. I shouldn't though. I can't. It can't go farther than this. I shouldn't have let it go that far! I drop my head into my hands as shame comes over me. I'm way to old for him. Way too old for any of them. Especially Jeongin!

Oh my god, what have I done? Maybe I need to find us another apartment.

Standing up finally, I'm a little unsteady on my feet. Jeongin and Lee Know kissing me has fucked with my mind. But Chris, holy fucking hell! A giggle escapes my lips as I go to my room. I can only imagine what my brains going to do with this in my dreams tonight. If I can even go to sleep. What am I thinking? What was I thinking, kissing Chris like that! But in my mind I know, Because it was everything I've dreamt of.

As I get ready for bed, everything just keeps playing over and over in my mind. It feels surreal. My body is buzzing, like electricity is going through it, but I'm too damn sleepy and on a mental overload to pull out my toys. I should not have drunk so much soju. At least I know it doesn't give me a hangover.

That is my first kiss since my husband. Literally. We got married early and started our family right away. No, I wasn't a virgin when we married, but since then, it's only been him. And there has been no one since him. Yes, I have sex toys. After all, I'm only 43 and my body still has needs. But I haven't wanted to be with anyone since.

Sure, I've dreamt of what it would be like to kiss Chris and Lee Know. I'm pretty sure most of us Stays live in Deluluville permanently, thinking of what these men are like. But Jeongin's and Lee Know's soft kisses, so sweet. Chris's pillowy soft lips on mine that turned into not one, but two toe curling kisses, that I returned in full. Ok, I have to stop thinking about it! At least this is what I try to tell myself as I just lay there. My inner diva is absolutely over the moon and sighing with contentment. Sleep eventually comes, along with fantasies and dreams of Chris and Lee Know.

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