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Start from the beginning

Taking a deep breath, I tell them "I'm a millionaire, a multi-millionaire. As are both kids. After winning and paying off everything we owed, we all decided to go to college full time. We could afford to, now that we had the money. I have a business degree and a cyber security degree. I also working toward my library science degree. Don has a culinary degree and business degree. Tony has his mechanical engineering degree. He is also a certified diesel mechanic."

I refrain from telling them I am also a best-selling author and write fanfics for fun. Knowing them, they read fan-fics and I am NOT ready to find that out. My inner diva looks up from her book and shrugs at me as if asking why not. Ok, so I'm not ready for them to find that out, yet, or if any have read any of mine. Especially since I have written fanfics about them. Very racy fanfics.

I look around to very shocked faces. I smile. I knew they might be shocked. I know that each of them is millionaires in their own right. And they had earned theirs, through blood, sweat and tears. The hard work these men have put their bodies through for their craft is quite amazing. I have enjoyed watching them grow, improve and push through so many boundaries within their field. They really are and have always been trendsetters in K-pop.

"You really are amazing and surprising Lynn." I look over at Lee Know, not expecting him to say that.

"Thank you. But really Lee Know, you are the amazing ones. I just got lucky and won money. But y'all, you've put everything you have into your craft. To get to where you are. And it shows. The awards, the album sales, being ambassadors for top brands. Your voices are stunning." Along with their bodies, but I didn't say that out loud.

"I will always love listening to your music. It's what I play the most when I go running and workout."

"I still can't believe you are actually 43. And now we know your birthday too." Hyunjin says with a wink.

"Ok ferret, don't get any ideas about that." I hear laughter from others and snide remarks from me calling him ferret.

"Remember, I'll still be in recovery mode when my birthday comes around. I am not going to want to do anything. I'll be sleeping and healing and possibly still wearing a body compression suit, most likely. That's what I'll be doing."

"Yeah, but there is always after you're healed", he comes back with.

I just laugh. There really is no winning with these guys when they get an idea!

They are hilarious and so sweet. As we were sitting around, someone brings out soju. It's a good thing I was already used to drinking it. I got turned on to soju when we had moved to Washington. Shots had been going around and I could tell the affects were taking place in everyone. Chris, Lee Know and Jeongin keep taking every chance they can to touch me. Jeongin turned on his side when I stretched my legs out and was hugging my legs. His fingers were lazily making circles. Between the three, I'm having a hard time controlling my breathing.

"So, who's your bias and bias wrecker Lynn?" Seungmin ask with an evil grin on his face, as he is leaning forward on his hands. Everyone else was beginning to clean up from our ramen and snacks, so only him and the three were in the room.

My eyes go wide at his question. This Doberman already knows. Oh my god, I swear he knows! I try to not look at Chris, but Lee Know catches my quick look at Chris and him. So does Seungmin. Yep, time for me to go.

"N-no, I am not going there tonight. I like all of you. I've had my ramen, soju and I need to get to bed, " I say as I stand up.

"And speaking of ramen, you need to get some hot sauce in your place Chris. It needed some chipotle hot sauce or at least regular hot sauce in it. You don't even have siracha in here!" I said this hoping to get Cat Man to stop smirking at me. He swiftly looks at Chris, then back to me while raising his eye brow. Seungmin leans over and says something to Chris.

The look Chris gives me, tells me he just told him that he's my bias and Lee Know's my wrecker. Why doesn't he look surprised at the info? Did he already know? My kids? That's the only thing I can think of. I'm in more trouble than I thought. Definitely time for me to go home. Then I catch the eyes of Lee Know, as he looks between me and Chris. I watch him mouth bias and bias wrecker as he gestures between him and Chris. Damn this man!

"Cat Man, you're living dangerously right now. Keep it up and we'll see how fast those reflexes of yours are, when something goes flying at your head." I basically growl at him.

The 5 others just stop and stare at us. None of them had caught the exchange between the four of us. I'm so glad they hadn't. Of course, both Chris and Lee Know are just smiling. Seungmin is trying not to laugh. I will pay him back later. Somehow, someway this puppy is getting it! Looking back at Chris and Lee Know, their eyes have grown dark and it makes me quiver. Inner diva is practically purring at the moment due to this new development. Get your thoughts together woman and get out of here!

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