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For the rest of the day, Liam and Zayn spent time with each.other. Zayn greeted the opportunity to relax with open arms. Simply lying on the bed with Liam was his favourite pastime. Hours flew by when they were together, talking about anything and everything, and occasionally kissing.

"So... you grow as a human in the womb?" Liam asked.

Zayn nodded.

"When do you turn to your wolf for the first time?"

"Not until we're five. The transformation is very painful."

"Do you remember when you first turned to your wolf?"

"Yes. I had done something bad that day. I don't remember what it was, but I wanted to run away when mum shouted at me, so I willed for my wolf and I shifted. The pain freaked me out so much, I actually ran away and they didn't find me for days."

"Seriously?" Liam asked, crossing his legs on the bed. Zayn lay near, and on his side with his chin propped on his palm.

"Luckily, I ran north. Junes' pack found me first. I was just a pup. Enemies would have loved to find me."

"It sounds like you were a handful," Liam chuckled.

"I was. When they took me home, I was in my wolf form for a full two weeks because I refused to shift back. That sort of pain for a child is... a lot. But it makes us stronger."

"Is shifting back as painful as shifting to your wolf?"

"Yes. That's why Ni isn't too bothered about breaking his arms. We break our bones all the time while shifting. The only difference is that they're put back together instantly after we return to human form."

"How are bones able to do that?"

Zayn shrugged. "How are your bones not able to do that?"

Liam chuckled and Zayn reached out a hand. Liam took it and snuggled close to his warm body. Liam had formed a pattern. They would hug for a while until Liam got warm, then they'd find something else to do until they hugged again until Liam got warm again.

Zayn rested a hand on Liam's chest and studied his face with those intense hazel eyes.

"What were you like as a child?" he asked. His deep voice spoke softly.

"Pretty curious, I think. I liked going on adventures with my parents. We'd find a new camping spot almost every weekend. My dad enjoyed running, and he used to do races quite often. I used to run with him sometimes and I think that's why I stuck with it." Liam smiled at all the fun memories.

"We used to have games nights pretty much every week. Sometimes a few times a week. They'd take me to the library every Thursday after school. I think they could tellI was obsessed with reading, even when I was young enough to barely read."

"Do you miss the freedom of being in Ethdellin Town?" Zayn almost asked if he missed his parents. Of course he does, Zayn scolded himself.

"Not really. I miss the library, but that's all. I don't even miss college." Liam smiled. "It was pretty lonely before. The only time l ever spoke was at work, and that was because I had to speak."

"And now you have a full Pack around you all the time."

"I do. It's nice."

Zayn ran a hand through Liam's brown wavy hair. "Do you want to see my wolf again?"

"Yes." Liam wouldn't ponder over whether he was ready to see a wolf. After being around them over the weekend, even the thought of wolves didn't terrify him quite as much.

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 ⸙Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon