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Zayn had no idea why he let an old human speak to him in a way he wouldn't allow from others, even his own mother. Zayn was so insecure, he got defensive when someone pointed something out about him that he already knew about himself.

Zayn knew he was angry, but god forbid Baela if she told him he was too angry. Zayn knew he was hostile, but his poor mother would get an earful if she dared to tell him. Zayn knew he was cruel, but his mate would only receive dark looks and a snappy reply if he even tried to tell him to be kinder.

Zayn's self-destructive mind had been with him for so long, he wasn't sure how to like himself, or better himself without feeling like he was trying to be someone he was not.

"Maybe I'm just meant to fuck it up" he grumbled.

Daniel seemed to expect that response. "Your father said you were born pessimistic."

Something about his wrinkled comely face eased Zayn. Daniel wasn't scared of him. Zayn wasn't yet sure how to deal with a human who simply didn't care that he was Alpha of a pack that used to have a good reputation. In Daniel's eyes, Zayn had nothing to live up to, Zayn was just a person and the relief to relax was like pulling a heavy rucksack off or putting a heavy box down after carrying it for a long time. Zayn was suddenly nobody, and he liked that.

"What's the point of setting yourself up to fail? Don't you want to make your father proud? Don't you want to live happy, knowing you have a strong pack and a happy Liam? Why would you choose this life of fear and anger?"

"I'm not scared," Zayn said, and the way Daniel raised a brow made him embarrassed again. He felt like a stupid child who had no idea about the world around him, or how to understand himself.

"It's alright to be scared. I would be if I eere in your situation. It's how you deal with that fear that matters. So far, you're letting the fear control you, otherwise you wouldn't have run off after those Rogues, right? Don't you want to be in charge for once?"

Zayn had never looked at it that way. Was fear ruling him? Was he willingly letting the fear in?

"You don't understand. You don't have wolves fighting for your farm all the time."

"Maybe not wolves, but it's not easy to keep land like this. If I wasn't producing for the town, I would've had to move years ago. I think that's why your father bought from me for so many years. Everyone has battles lad, you're not the only one struggling!"

"This is different. This is harden than-"

"Oh poor you," Daniel said in a tone laced with mockery. "Zayn, how can you say your troubles are hard when you're making them hard?"

Zayn wasn't sure how to respond. Daniel didn't give him time.

"You hurt Liam, you probably treat your pack the way you treat everyone else, you chased the Rogues, you choose to speak the way you do and you choose to act the way you do. Yes, it's tough with the Southern Alpha, but how do you think Liam feels? Or your other wolves, how do you think they feel when their Alpha acts so childish? Do you think they're scared of the Southern Alpha, or do you think they're actually scared of their Northern Alpha?"

Zayn was speechless. He felt like he was being told off by his father because he couldn't figure out how to defend himself. Shit, he's right. Daniels words sliced deep. Zayn had a sudden need to make things right, but how could he fix such a shattered trust?

"I know things have been tough for you, but it's time to start mending. You know what you should begin with?" Daniel said like he knew Zayn's thought process. He tapped Meadow's head while rubbing his chin.

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