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Liam's head was busy. He hadn't thought about the dangers of knowing that wolves existed. He hadn't thought about the risks of being Zayn's mate. He hadn't even thought about how dangerous Zayn was as a person.

However, the thought of getting out of his horrid
aunt and uncle's place was like a dream come true.

But it all felt very rushed. "If I don't come back with you tonight, will I be in danger?"

"Enough to make me sit outside of your house all night." Zayn was honest. He couldn't afford to
sweeten the situation.

"But if nobody knows about me, won'tit be weird
to turn up with me at the institute?"

"Yes, but that's my fault for not telling anyone." The only person Zayn worried about was his mother. He should have told her when he had the chance.

"I don't know about this." Liam wrapped arms
around himself. "It's all just-just a bit crazy"

Zayn scooted closer. "I knew when I dreamt about you that you were human and being mates with me would change your life. I wish it didn't have to be like this. But I'm a fucking idiot by choosing a horrible path, and my enemies are now your enemies. I'm so sorry, but this is how it is now."

Liam looked down to the tree trunk. He pulled bits of bark off to distract his mind. "Thank you for explaining and not making me think everything was fine"

"You deserve to know what's going on, and how
dangerous I am. This is your life too."

Liam liked Zayn's blunt honesty. He cared about
Liam enough to treat him with respect, rather
than a gullible human who knew nothing about
werewolves. "I just really wish I could have time to think about this."

"I wish I could give you time. I now it's not fair.
You barely know me, and you've only just found
out about who I really am. It's okay if you're
overwhelmed" Zayn watched Liam's big eyes dart around the woods. The longer they sat out in the open, the more on edge Zayn felt. He wondered if Liam felt his nerves. The bond was always strengthening, knitting them closer and closer with each passing day.

Zayn shuffled even closer until Liam's crossed legs touched the side of his thigh. He held Liam's cold cheeks, lifting his head to connect their gaze. "I just want you to be safe," Zayn whispered, looking at Liam's soft lips.

Liam melted into him, and their lips connected. A
kiss was like lifting a heavy vail from his heart.
Their stresses seemed to blow away with the wind.

Zayn's strong arms wrapped around Liam, and at
that moment, Liam had never felt so safe
pressed against him, with their lips moving in sync.

Zayn always kissed Liam softly, like he cherished
each kiss, hoping for them to last forever. Zayn had told Liam that he was dangerous. Zayn
had told Liam that he spent his time seeking out
other mates to pray on their emotions. Deep down, something whispered to Liam that things were going to change. He didn't see that nasty side of Zayn, so it was hard to believe that Zayn was as horrible as he lead Liam to believe.

When they pulled away, Liam wanted to say that
he would go with Zayn to the institute, but he was scared. Sudden change had never been kind to him. "Would it be selfish of me to not go to the
institute tonight?" he asked.

Zayn's eyes were a gooey mess of affection. "No.
But I'll stay outside your house. I don't mind. I like
the woods at night." Zayn understood completely.

"Are you sure you don't mind?"

"It's a nice night tonight. I won't mind at all"

Liam felt terrible, but he wasn't yet ready to make such a huge decision, even if it compromised his safety. "I'm sorry."

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