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The corridors were empty. All the wolves were in the field, working hard to keep fit. Liam could see his breath as he hurried down the corridor to keep up with Zayn, but at least he was warm before they reached the back door.

"Everyone should be out here" Zayn said, pausing with his hand on the handle. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

Liam nodded, despite his nerves. He had to be brave if he wanted to get used to the institute and those who lived there. He wanted to panic and freak out about his situation, but that would get him no closer to accepting the institute.

Liam had nowhere else to live, so he either accepted the institute, and Zayn and the many werewolves living around him, or he made life harder for  himself by retreating back to Ethdellin Town.

The institute was much better than his aunt and uncles house, especially now that Jaiden was out of the picture.

Zayn opened the back door. Sunlight flooded in, but so did the bright white snow that had been shovelled around the sides of the field and covered the trees beyond.

Liam pulled his coat zip higher and followed Zayn along the stone yard. Almost everyone wore t-shirts and shorts, while Liam was bundled in many layers, and wore his yellow puffer Jacket and burgundy hat, scarf, and gloves.

He saw Zayn's mum standing by a bench. Her long grey hair fluttered softly in the wind, occasionally touching her lower back.

Liam looked up to Zayn's black hair and the grey strip of hair at the front. He wondered who had shared that little hint of uniqueness with him.

Solana stood with Niall whose red hair stood out for miles. They turned when Zayn approached with his hand intertwined with his mate.

"Morning, Alpha," Sid said with a firm head nod. His eyes, blue like ocean, flashed to the human and he lowered his head even more. "Morning, Liam."

"Morning" Liam squeaked, pleased that someone other than Zayn acknowledged him.

"Sit," Zayn said, motioning to the bench, using a voice which screamed "do not defy me"

Liam sat. (A/N: "Sit down" "I am sat")

"If you get bored, mum will take you to the canteen for breakfast." Zayn's blank eyes traced his mother who sat with Liam on the bench.

Liam dared to look at those training on the field. More than he expected had stopped to stare, or continued to run and stare, or lifted weights and stared, or sneaked a glance after every sit-up.

He shuffled awkwardly on the bench as Niall and Zayn walked to Baela who stretched on a mat. Liam felt very exposed in his bright colours, and wished to blend in. He had a feeling that even if he wore all black like most of the people on the field, they would still stare.

"Sleep well?" Solana asked, there was a hint of a smirk on her lips.

"Yes, thank you." Liam even spoke in a polite quiet voice. "D-Did you?" He glued his eyes to Zayn to avoid making uncomfortable eye-contact with anyone else.

"I did" Solana said, crossing her arms and sitting back against the wood.

They sat together in silence for a while. The longer Liam sat in the open, the less people stared. Liam linked his gloved fingers and relaxed. He followed Zayn up and down the field. Zayn was fast, and out sprinted everyone.

Liam was itching for a run. Maybe he would ask Zayn if they could run together tomorrow morning.

Bonding time, Liam thought. He couldn't spend the rest of his life hiding in Zayn's bedroom, no matter how much he wanted to lie in bed all day.

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