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One sentence brought Zayn's desolation.

"I'm sorry Zayn, we found her in the water." Junes' mate stared solemnly out to sea. "We're trying to bring her back but-"

Zayn tore off into the night, leaving his Omegas, Junes' mate, and Liam on top if the cliffs. He ran so fast down the path that he almost missed the zigzag route leading to the sand. Zayn kept running. His mind was ablaze. He didn't dare to think, to hope, to mourn...

He crashed into each fence at each turn, leaving claw marks in the tarmac. Once his paws reached the sand, Zayn shifted back to human. The transformation felt agonisingly slow. He clicked his shoulder into place as he ran, seeing a group of people in the distance and someone laying on the golden sand.

No, Zayn thought. Please no.

He sprinted as fast as he could. His legs burned with each step, his hands clawed at the air as if that would make him faster, and his eyes stung in the whipping wind. Liam had once told him about a nightmare where he couldn't run fast enough when that was all he wanted to do. Zayn now understand how he felt. Running on sand was infuriating and making each passing second so much longer.

The group surrounding the person quickly divided as Zayn threw himself between them and collapsed to his knees. He was ready to scream in horror until one werewolf grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back.

"Relax Zayn" she said, fighting against him and making him look her in her wide hazel eyes. "She's come back to us."

Zayn then heard coughing and wheezing as his mother struggled for air.

"Give them space" the werewolf said, pushing against Zayn when he tried to get to his mum. "Let the medics help her breathe."

Zayn stayed on his knees in the sand, staring in utter disbelief. His mother lay in front of him as cold as ice, with blue lips, yet air in her lungs. He knew how close he just was to crying over her body. Too close. The danger wasn't over yet. Each crackling breath led to watery exhales and wheezing coughs.

I could have lost her, Zayn thought.
Werewolves rushed around him. Ringing in his ears got louder.

I did lose her.

The werewolves around him moved faster and faster. Zayn could hardly even blink.

Why would she do this to me? I told her I needed her.

The high-pitched noise, along with the waves and the wind, rang louder, and louder. His heart pounded. Sweat trickled down his temple. She could have died. I could have lost both my parents.

Why would she do that to me, her son?Why?

Hands touched his shoulders. Small hands, familiar hands, a touch his soul desired. Liam crouched in front of him, blocking Zayn's view of his mother on the sand. The ringing stopped when Liam cradled Zayn's face.

"It's going to be okay," Liam whispered.

Zayn wanted to believe him. Listening to his mother's breaths told him that his night could've been a lot worse. It nearly was a lot worse. What was she thinking? Zayn thought, making the most of Liam's comfort by gripping his waist and pulling him closer. He peered at his mother over Liam's shoulder. He had never felt so helpless.

Liam stayed right next to him, holding him, and keeping him calm, up until the point where humans had come to the beach to see the commotion.

"We have to take her to Sea Claw Packhouse" Junes' mate said. "She's freezing, and there we can help her in private."

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