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Xavier ventured his territory. He remembered every tree, especially on the way to Daniel's farm.

His paws felt good on the cold mud, and fresh air felt good in his nose and in his mouth. The wind in his fur was a feeling he had missed almost as much as he missed feeling his wolf within.

The journey to Daniel's farm almost brought tears to his glowing red eyes. Xavier had turned to Daniel when it wasn't safe to turn to his own wolves. He had a lot to thank him for and was on his way to do so.

As far as Xavier was aware, Daniel didn't know he was back from the dead, though maybe he had heard gossip of Liam's parents. Daniel knew everything, but he also knew when to keep secrets to himself.

Xavier paused by the entrance, sniffing the potent twang of farm animals in the bitter air. He shifted and roamed through Daniels tractors and large lawn mowers. He straightened out his black jumper before knocking on the front door.

Three months and two weeks had passed since Xavier returned home. He felt stronger than ever and more eager to look after his health. He had given himself a strict but nutritious diet, rigorous exercise, and a lot of time with his family. He was returning as not only an Alpha, but a husband and a father.

Xavier wanted to use his second chance at life in every way possible. Zayn deserved his full attention, just like Solana and his Pack.

Someone suddenly rummaged behind the wooden door, lowly grumbling about who would possibly knock on their door so early on a Sunday morning Xavier stood straight when the door opened, and Daniel looked up in his navy-blue pyjamas and a matching dressing gown.

A first, Daniel's dark eyes looked him up and down with suspicion until the morning sun cracked a cloud and Daniel saw him clearer.

The old man nearly fell to his knees.

Xavier held him up. "Steady on, I know it's a shock, but you don't want knee replacements yet."

Daniel recovered quickly and pulled himself back from Xavier's grip. He stared at him as though he was face to face with a ghost. Xavier was used to that stare by now.

"Are you going to invite me in, or will you make me stand out here in the cold?"

Daniel silently stepped aside, now gawking at his back as Xavier navigated his way to the living room. He sat in the chair Zayn had sat on when Daniel first took him to the farm.

Daniel sat down too, slowly and carefully. Meadow, the dog sat by Xavier's feet. He smiled and patted her head, then commanded her back to Daniel's side.

"So, you have questions I bet."

Daniel nodded, so Xavier told him everything, from the night humans broke in to kill him, to the day he was brought back to the Packhouse.

In return, when Xavier was done, Daniel told him about the day he found Zayn on the floor after the night Niall was killed.

"He was just lying there, alone?"

"Yes. Well, he was asleep."

Xavier's dark brows furrowed. "Zayn is reluctant to talk about that night. I tried to ask Liam about it, but he doesn't like to talk about it either."

"As dark as that night was, it put them on the right track to finding you." Daniel's old wise eyes gleamed. "Zayn really mourned you, but as the saying goes, time heals all, especially when he had friends and family around him." Daniel finally sat back against his cushions.

"There's not a lot that shocks me these days, but seeing your son sleeping on the woodland floor and seeing you at my front door has both shocked me to my core this
year. You're a special family, you Malik's, very special."

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