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Zayn ran down what felt like an endless maze of corridors, stopping when he reached the top of the stairs to catch his breath. The guard at the door leading into the corridor stood up straight when Zayn approached the last step.

The Alpha's mere presence was terrifying, especially when he scowled for no reason, so nobody knew if he was angry or not. Zayn snapped at unpredictable times.

The guard opened the door for him, and he stalked down the corridor until his mother's door opened.

Zayn rolled his eyes. "Do me a favour and get a life" he growled.

"Hey" she hissed, looking left and right. "Where's your mate? Can I have a word?"

Zayn stared hard at his bedroom door. All he wanted was to curl around Liam's body and to keep him warm. "No."

Solana jumped in front of him and held onto his broad shoulders. "Please, you need to hear this" Solana hurried him into her room and shut the door. She sat at her desk and opened a news article on her laptop. "I've been researching Liam-"


"Because I recognised him, and I had to know why!"

Zayn crossed his arms, looming over her. "You probably saw him the night he trespassed."

"No. Anyvway, I typed his name into the google and the tragedy with what happened with his parents came up."

Zayn looked to the laptop, then to his mother's serious face. He slowly sat on the end of her bed, leaning closer to hear what she had to say. "I knew his parents had died, but I didn't know why. Does it say?"

Solana nodded. Her mouth twitched downwards. "I'm glad you're sitting for this. It made me open my window for some fresh air."

"What does it say?" Zayn snapped as his mother scrolled through the article.

"The reports say they were savaged by wild dogs."

Zayn wasn't stunned often. Her words were so shocking, his face forgot to hide how he was feeling.

"I know" Solana continued, double glancing at his frown releasing like floodgates. His eyes widened. "It made me sick reading. But that's why I recognised him. His face was in the papers. Liam's young there but he still has quite the babyface. I remember reading about the tragedy when it happened because your father was dealing with humans who pinned the blame on us."

"Well, what actually happened? Was Liam there?" Zayn asked, so shocked, his body tingled, and he wanted to shiver.

Liam feared dogs. Zayn had asked him why, but Liam didn't want to talk about it. His parents must be why. Zayn rubbed his forehead with a heavy sigh. That explains why he was beyond terrified when he saw my wolf.

"It says that Liam's parents and another person's parents were reported missing after not coming home from a camping trip. It says the kids were not with them, but one woman was found barely alive. Blood belonging to the other three people was scattered around the woods. It's reported that whatever attacked the humans must have eaten the other bodies."

"Who was the survivor?" Zayn asked.

"Not one of Liam's parents. Though it says that absurd amounts of their blood was found around the scene. If it were werewolves that attacked them, they wouldn't have left any bones, though they wouldn't have left someone behind either."

"What else could it have been? There are no wild dogs around here." Zayn could barely believe that his mate's parents were mauled by werewolves, the one animal he was trying to get Liam used to seeing, and liking, and loving. "Why did it happen?"

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 ⸙Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant