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want a peek-a-boo for tightrope?
*whispers* it's in the end of the chapter

"I can't go with you," Liam said when the officer tried to reach for him again. "I'm not lost. I never was."

"Where have you been living then? At the institute?"

Liam didn't like her tone. "Ethdellin Packhouse is my home, yes."

Liam had found small amounts of stubbornness over the past year. He was comfortable around Zayn and the pack, but other people still intimidated him.

"I've lived there comfortably for the past year and eight months. I'm not missing. My aunt and uncle watched me pack my bags and leave.!"

"Then why didn't you tell anyone else you were leaving? You just upped and left, leaving no trace behind. How could you think that people wouldn't worry?"

They didn't care about me when I was living here. Liam mustered up his courage, trying to sound brave.

"What was I supposed to say? I couldn't say that I moved into the institute because I'm the mate of a werewolf Alpha.!"

Ni dodged the handcuffs again. "We don't have to explain ourselves. We're going back to the Packhouse, come on Liam."

The plump officer pulled a taser from his belt. He pointed it at Ni. "We're taking you down to the station. If this will concern your Alpha so much, then get him to pick you up when we're done with you both."

Ni looked down his pointed nose at them. "Trust me," he spoke lowly, "you don't want Zayn Malik to hear that you've put even a finger on Liam."

"Is that a threat?"


"You signed the peace treaty. This is-"

"Not peaceful for us," Ni angrily interrupted.

"You're supposed to divert rumours about werewolves. It seems like every crackpot in town has their own rumour about Liam. You obviously haven't been looking for him otherwise you would've followed the rumours to us, and we would've told you that Liam was with us, and safe, and happy. Don't act like you're doing your job now."

Niall crossed his arms, and the officer unloaded the taser. The charged darts stuck to him, and Niall didn't bat an eyelid. The taser had little to effect on him.

"What? Feeling threatened? Just wait till Zayn Malik is knocking down your door for Liam."

The officer dropped the taser and pulled out a baton. With a swift flick, the baton extended, but Omega wolves blocked his path in seconds.

"We can take care of this. You guys should get back to the Packhouse," an Omega said, motioning for Ni and Liam to make a run for the trees.

"This is ridiculous" Ni grumbled. "This is our territory, don't make us get rid of you."

"He's threatening us! Call for backup, tell other officer that we fear for our lives!"

"Oh shut up." Ni snatched the radio and showed off his strength by crushing it against his palm. He threw the remainder of the radio to the ground.

"I've done nothing but stand here and talk to you. You're making it very hard for us to leave without causing a scene." Ni glanced back to the café.

Most locals were in the car park, watching like the nosy old fools they were.

"Liam," the other officer turned to him, hoping she could convince him to do as they asked. "This pack was responsible for your parent's death. They begged us to cover it up. Come with us and we can talk more about it, I promise you'll find out what really happened."

𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 ⸙Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ