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By the time Cam gets home her dads cooking dinner. He hears the front door open and see's Cam walk in dirty as if she's been in a ditch somewhere. He looks at his daughter and sees that her lip is injured. "Cam, what the hell happened to you?"
He grabs his daughter's face looking at her lip. She moves her face away from his hands and puts her things down. "Cam?" But he gets not response. "Camilla?" She stops and sighs looking down at her shoes and then turns around to face him.

"Do you know something?" She looks at her father seeing him look at her confused, "Where'd you go yesterday?" Mateo sees that she's serious, "I went to go talk to my friends like I wrote on the post-it note." She nods her head, "What'd you guys talk about?" She heads to the refrigerator looking for something to drink. "It doesn't really concern you."
She chuckles without humor and turns back to her dad, "Oh I think it does." She takes the water bottle and opens it, "What do you know about the Biddle house?" She's watching him as he makes dinner and sees that he stops for just a second. "Did you know that a kid died in that house?" She questioned seeing as his backs still turned, "Yeah, he uh- he died, in a fire...locked in his own basement." Mateo turned to look at his daughter, seeing her nodding her head, "Yeah what was his name?....Right,... Harold Biddle." She turns to look at him, now both of them making eye contact.

Mateo decides to play it cool, "What's got you so interested in the Biddle house all of a sudden?" He gives her a small smile trying to ease the tension, he turns back around to look at the pan that has there dinner, "My dreams." He stops and turns around, "Or should I call them visions." She shakes her head, "No, cause it's not just that. The ringing.... the headaches..... the constant nightmares. And yet when I asked you what was going on you seemed to panic for a split second. Like you knew something." The tension in the kitchen seems to have intensified, "Did you know Harold Biddle?" That question made him stop completely, "How do you know about Harold Biddle?"

"Dad, if-"

"How do you know about him!?" Cam looks up at her dad, "Nora. She gave a picture to Isaiah a couple of weeks ago, and he recognized him. And so did I. He was the boy in my dream." Mateo turns off the stove and leans on the island counter looking down, "Who else knows about this?"
She looks at her dad, "Isaiah, Isabella, James, and Margot." At the last name he scoffs and closes his eyes. He opens them up and looks at his daughter, "The night of the game. You fainted, the doctors said it was because of stress, but that wasn't it was it?" She shakes her head and looks down, "What did you see?"

Cam knew he wasn't asking, he wanted to know, "Camilla. ¿Qué viste esa noche?" Mateo moved to his daughter and took her hands, "Everything was on fire. And I swear that for a split second I saw him. So I'm gonna ask you again dad and I need you to answer me." She looked up at him with pleading eyes, "Do you know something?" She just wanted the truth.

"No, I don't" Cam tried to look at her father but he walked away to once again reheat the food. She scoffed and looked angry, "Goodnight." With that she went upstairs knowing he lied right to her face. She finally took a shower which she needed and went to bed. As she laid in bed she did her best not to cry but a single tear came down her cheek. She wiped it and closed her eyes, falling into a dreamless sleep.


Now morning, Cam got up and remembered that her dad lied to her. She looked at her phone and saw that it was early. Getting her clothes ready she headed for her shower, a couple of minutes passed and once she was done she looked back at her phone seeing a message from Lucas.

Idiot <3

Hey, you think you can come over. I need to talk to you about something.

Yeah sure, I'll be there in a few.

She sighed, hoping she wouldn't have to see her dad in the kitchen. Once she opened the door she went downstairs and saw a pile of pancakes with a note on it. Went out to work early. Love you. She scoffs and shakes her head. She eats her breakfast and heads for her bike. Putting the keys in the ignition she puts her helmet on and heads out of her driveway. She starts riding making her way to the shop.

Once she gets there she sees Lucas waiting for her outside. She turns off her bike and stops over at him, "What's up?" Cam still has her helmet on and all Lucas can see is her eyes, "Just park it back here, I don't want mom to see."

She furrows her eyebrows, "Okay..?" She does as told and sets the bike by the back entrance. Once she's off the bike she takes her helmet off and gets rid of her helmet hair. She turns to look at Lucas and he sees her lip, taking her face in his hands, "What happened?" He looked concerned but Cam put her hands on top of his giving him a warm smile, "Hey, it's okay, I'm okay."

She nods her head and he sighs, taking her hand and going inside. Once there inside she sees that he's a little out of it, "Hey? Are you okay? You seem lost in thought." Lucas doesn't know weather to tell her or not, "yeah, yeah, I just uh, I wanted to..." He looks at her and sees that she's watching him concerned, he sighs, "uh, to make sure you were okay. Cause of your wrist."

She smiles and looks down before looking back up, "It's fine, a little annoying having to wear a wrist brace everyday but I'm okay. " She nods her head but furrows her eyebrows, "Is that- Is that all you wanted to ask me cause your message seemed a little, urgent you know?"
Lucas gave his best smug smile and put an arm around her, "yeah just making sure you haven't messed it up even more." She laughs and shakes her head, "It's fine moron. You want a lift to school?" He nods his head and with that they're off to school.

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