A Moment

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Say Cheese and Die Ep1

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Say Cheese and Die Ep1


After a couple of minutes pass Cam is waiting by her motorcycle, waiting for Lucas as his moms talks to him. Once Lucas is done talking to his mother he walks over to his best friend. "Sorry for scaring you, I just wanted to see if I'd land it." He gives her a guilty smile. "You are so lucky I didn't just leave your ass here. Cause you and I both know I would if I cared that much about school." Cam looks at him with a knowing smile.

"Hurry up before we're really late." She gives him the extra helmet she always carries and gives it to him. Putting on her helmet she gets on and he gets on after her. She starts up the bike and beeps at Nora as if to say goodbye and takes off heading to the school. She makes it in time and parks her bike.
Lucas gets off and gives her the helmet. "You better not do anything stupid Lucas. Or I will kick your ass." She looks back at him and sees him shaking his head at her, letting her know he won't do anything to stupid. "I promise I won't do anything dumb, stupid on the other hand, can't promise you." With that he starts walking towards the double doors of the school. "You know that's not really helpful right!?" Cam shouts back but he's already inside. "That boys gonna be the death of me." She mumbles to herself and starts walking to her class.

Good thing was her class was just about to start so she didn't get in trouble. Everything was going well until gym time. An announcement was being made dedicated to the school's football team. The coach of the football team decided on giving some words of wisdom as Cam likes to call it, "All right! Lets give it up for our Port Lawrence Titans and their team captain and my favorite person... Wasn't supposed to say that but I just did, Isaiah Howard!"

Cheers were heard throughout the entire gymnasium. The whole football team started running out with Isaiah in the front, students continue cheering and the gym floor fills up with all the players on the team.

Cams watching all of this with ear plugs in her ear, not really caring about the football team but seeing as one of her friends was on it, she paid a little attention to it. She looks over to see Isabella, who happens to be one of her neighbor, recording all of it for her club. Isaiah gets a hold of the mic, "Port Lawrence High! How y'all doing!?" Cheers are heard and Cam chuckles and shakes her head, knowing how enthusiastic Isaiah can be.

She looks around and spots Margot reading a book and sees her dad walk up to her. She can't figure out what they're talking about so turns back to her phone. Once again scrolling through social media. She looks back up, "Now listen, this is our year! Titans, this is our time! You think the glory days are behind us? Oh no. They right there at our fingertips. Now, I need y'all to hold up your glory fingertips and wave 'em!"

The students start cheering again and Cam looks over at Isabella who doesn't look impressed. "Now, Port Lawrence High, I need y'all to know that I love this town! And Port Lawrence High, I love this game! But Port Lawrence High most important of all, I love you guys!"
And with that the crowds cheering even louder, Cam looks over and sees James who's in the mascot suit humping the air, she shakes her head knowing he's gonna get in trouble for it and sees Margot's father or the guidance consular walk up to James.
She turns back to see Lucas had taken his spot and now he's talking to Margot. Cam sighs and turns back to continue to listen to Isaiah's speech, "On three. Ready, one, two, three...." and every other student yells Titans! "I love y'all so much."
Isaiah says and proceeds to extend his arm out that's holding the mic. Cam looks over at Isabella and sees her shaking her head and mumbling something to herself. Isaiah proceeds to drop the mic and Cam looks over at Isabella seeing her looking down in annoyance. Isaiah's girlfriend walks up to him and hugs him, making Cam roll her eyes, she never really liked the girl.

She sees Isabella pick up the mic and sees Isaiah leave with his girlfriend. This lets her know that the pep rally is over, so she starts making her way out and waiting for James and Isaiah by the lockers.
She waited for a few minutes and saw them walking by. "Nice speech out there quarterback." She sees both of them stop and turn around to look at her. She walks up to them, a smile on her face. "I gotta say James I'm impressed with those moves you got."
She teases them and they roll their eyes at her. "I was telling James how I'm excited about Friday night." Cam laughs at their banter following them now, until James pats both of them making them look up to see Sam, the guy James is interested in at the moment. "Wait. It's Sam. Be cool."
Isaiah looks over at you asking what that means and you just roll your eyes at him and look back at Sam. "Bro give me more specific instructions." But James pulls Isaiah behind him, trying to make his move.
Sam looks over at him. "Sup?"
Cam nods her head with a small smile and she looks over at Isaiah knowing he's about to mess it up; "Sup?" and with that Sam leaves going to his next class. Leaving Isaiah, James and Cam in the hall. "What the hell was that?"

Both Cam and James look over at him one in pure shock and the other giving him a you can't be serious look. "Well, I don't know. I thought we were just saying hi to each other." Cam shakes her head, "How the hell do you have a girlfriend? Clearly that was a moment for James over here to get something out of Sam, you moron." James nods his head in agreement while pointing his finger at her, "See she gets it, that was a very delicate moment. We were like a solid five steps away from something substantial I can tell my therapist about."

Cam looks over at James putting a hand on his shoulder, "Well, you didn't give me any direction, man." They were about to start bantering again when someone joined in.

Cam looked over and saw that it was Allison, Isaiah's girlfriend. They start talking about James' love life and how Allison's trying to help him out of love while Isaiah's doing it out of boredom. "Oh, not again!"
To this the three look at Allison while she's looking at her phone. It's a video that Allison posted about her having a party, but there are pigs squealing in the background. Which makes Cam chuckle a little knowing the 'troll' behind it.

Allison asks how bad the video actually is and James answers saying it has a thousand views which leads to them bickering about how it's not that bad and how it is.
Isaiah tries to reason saying it could be one person watching it a thousand times.
Both James and Cam answer at the same time. Isaiah gives them a glare telling them to shut up which Cam does but James tries to redeem himself saying it'd be likely.

Allison explains how she's annoyed by it and how she knows it's someone in the school. Cam tries not to smile cause she knows who it is, so she looks at her shoes while they talk about it.

Allison goes on a rant saying she's "super nice" so she doesn't understand why it's happening to her. James only seems to be interested in the fact of knowing if Sam's going to the party. Making both Isaiah and Allison look at him with a you serious look.

Allison looks at him saying how he's turning back to him. "Yes Allison, people do crazy things when they're in love." They start bickering again until they hear the guidance counselor call Isaiah's name. "Well as fun as this conversation is getting I gotta get to class so I'll see you guys later." And Cam walks to her next class.
An: You know, I thought of making this thing three parts but now I might have to make it four because like I said before we're not even halfway there. I honestly just don't wanna make it too long cause we're about 500 words to hitting 2000 and I don't want really long chapters. 💟
At least I introduced the rest of the characters. Let me know what you guys think

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