Sore Loser

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Say Cheese and Die Ep:1

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Say Cheese and Die Ep:1


By the time Camilla gets to the game it's about to start. It's raining and she's wearing a raincoat and a poncho to make sure she doesn't get wet. Some people are sitting, some are standing but all in all everyone's cheering.
Camilla's headache hasn't gone away, instead it's intensified. Keeping her cool she spots Nora and Lucas on the bleachers and waves at her. Nora waves her over to which she listens. "Hey Nora, I see you're in the school spirt." Nora looks at her, "Hi honey, you okay? You look a little sick."

Camilla nods her head, "Yeah, just a little headache that can't seem to go away. But I'm fine, it's not as bad right now." Lucas looks at her and sees that she's a little pale. "Maybe you shouldn't be out in the rain, it could get you sick." Camilla gives him a gentle smile. "Thanks for worrying Lucas but I'll be okay."

Both Lucas and Nora nod their heads, "Your dad working late again?" Camilla hums in agreement, "Yeah late night for him, but I told him that I'd tell him how the game went." Nora laughs and soon the whistle is heard, signaling the games about to begin.
Camilla looks around, and sees each team member come out, but she's looking for a specific jersey number, and then she spots Isaiah, he seems to be super hyped. The game begins, the team on offense and everything's going fine. The Titans are scoring and points are being made.
Camilla hears the announcers saying that the first half of the game is over, so she turns to Nora and Lucas, "Hey, I'm gonna talk to Isaiah real quick and I'll be right back." She goes to stand and Lucas gets up as well, "I'll go with you, you're looking pretty pale. I don't want anything to happen. And don't say it's not necessary, I just wanna make sure you're okay." Cam sighs and nods her head, she starts making her way down. She calls Isaiah over, "Everything okay?" Isaiah nods his head, "Yeah everything's fine, nothings happened so far. I gotta go, wish me luck."
Camilla's headache seems to increase. She groans and holds her head, "Hey you okay?" Lucas is by her side just in case something happens. "My head, it hurts really bad." Lucas guides her off of the bleachers and stands in front of her. "Hey it's gonna be okay, look at me okay?"

She goes to look at Lucas but something behind him grabs his attention. The players come back on the field and she sees that Isaiah is panicking, looking everywhere and trying to get the coaches attention. "Somethings wrong" she mumbles but Lucas looks at her confused, the game starts and Lucas gets the ball.
Camilla's watching him try to let go of the ball, she blinks and for a second she sees fire. "What the hell?" she lets out quietly, she blinks again and the fields on fire, just like her dream, everything's on fire, there's smoke in the air. The players there were all covered in ash making them look red. They start chasing Isaiah around the field. "Hey? Hey! Camilla what's going on? Snap out of. Camilla!" Lucas tries but he can't seem to wake her up.

He hears his mom in the distance, "Stop the game! Stop the game! Please somebody stop the game!" Nora's yelling trying to get the coaches attention. Lucas turns to her shouting, "Mom?" He's still by Camilla's side, "Please, somebody stop the game!"
He looks at Camilla, "hey Cam, look at me what's wrong?" Camilla looks at him, "I don't- I don't feel so-" before she can finish her sentence, she faints. Lucas manages to catch her in time. "Camilla! Hey Camilla, wake up! Come on, Cam, wake up." She's out cold and not a minute later does Lucas hear people gasping and getting up. Someone got hurt there surrounding him.

Lucas picks up Camilla and starts looking for his mom, with Camilla in his arms. He finds her and calls out to her, "Mom! Mom! I don't know what happened but she just freaked out and fainted, what do I do." He's panicking and his moms no different. "Come on Lucas, we gotta take her to the hospital. Get her in the car."

By the time they get there, they're not alone. Isaiah's parents are there as well. Nora decides it's best to call her dad, letting him know something happened. By the time he gets there she's been put in a room. "Where is she?" That's the first thing Nora hears. She looks at Camilla's dad, "Mat it's okay, she's okay. The doctors saying that she was in a little shock and that caused her to pass out. She's fine, Lucas is with her." Mateo looks at her, confused and worried about his daughter, "why? why would she be shocked, what happened?" Nora looks up at him, "I don't know, do you wanna see her?" He nods his head and Nora takes him to her.

Lucas is in the room with her, eyes furrowed and he's worried something else might happen. The door opens and he sees Cam's dad. "Hi, Mister Ramírez." He gets up to shake his hand. While Lucas and Mateo are in the room, both have one thing on their mind, making sure she's okay. "What happened?" Lucas looks at Cam's dad, "Your mom says that you were with her when she passed out, what happened?"

Mat looks away from his daughter to look at Lucas. "I- I don't know, but she looked paler and she told us that her head was hurting. She was okay and then-" he looks lost almost, "and then what?" Mateo asks, "she just... zoned out. Like she wasn't standing in front of me, like she was somewhere else and then she fainted." Lucas looks at her father. Mateo lets out a sigh, "thank you Lucas, for being here with her." He smiles at the kid. They hear a knock at the door, both turning to see Nora, "come on Lucas, let's go home." At first Lucas is hesitant to leave, "When she wakes up, I'll let her know to text you. Go Lucas it's late." With that Lucas nods his head and leaves.

A couple of minutes pass, he hears a groan and turns to see his daughters waking up. "Dad? What happened?" Her father looks at her with a relieved smile on his face, "Hi mija, you okay? You passed out at the game. Lucas told me you had a headache" Cam furrows her eyebrows, "I feel fine, my headaches gone."

Slowly everything started coming back to her, "Oh my god! Isaiah, is he okay? And Lucas is probably freaking out right now." Before she had a chance to get up her dad spoke, "Cálmate mija, Lucas left with Nora and Isaiah's down the hall, everyone's okay. All though I did promise Lucas that I'd tell you to text him once you were up" She nods her head and starts looking for her phone. Her dad has it in his hand, she takes it finding Lucas's contact.

Idiot <3
I'm okay. No more headache, I'll come by tomorrow 🙃

With that she turns off her phone and looks at her dad. "Okay, done. Can we go? Ja sabes que no me gustan los hospitales." Her dad laughs and nods his head. Yeah let me just do some paperwork and we can go. "Okay, I'm gonna go check on Isaiah. Make sure he's okay."

Her dad nods his head and with that she leaves. She starts heading down the hall and sees his dad outside. "Hi Mister Howard, is he okay?" His dad looks at the girl, giving her smile. "He's gonna be okay." Cam nods her head, " Can I see him." His dad nods his head and lets the girl walk in. Cam knocks on the door and see's Isaiah in the hospital bed, with a cast on his arm.
"I'd ask if you were okay, but that'd be a stupid question huh?" Isaiah lets out a forced chuckle, "How bad is it?" She asks, " My arm is gonna take six to eight months to heal. Which would be great except that's gonna knock me out of the season. So bye bye scholarship"

Cam looks at her shoes and sighs, "You remember that one time around Halloween when we were kids and you, Margot and I decided to go trick or treating? And we made this bet that who ever had the least amount of candy had to act like there costume for a week?" She looks over to Isaiah and sees him smiling and nodding his head. "Yeah, I remember.. I remember you cheated out of last." Cam looks at him, offended by his comment, "I did not cheat, you were just a sore loser, but it doesn't matter, point is you lost and you had to act like a pirate with one arm. I think that'd be a good nickname don't you?"
She teased him and he shook his head smiling, "Oh so that's what this is about, your whole nickname thing." She giggled at him, "well duh, you and Margot had that whole stupid secret language thing. It was only fare I had something too." She looked down at her shoes , "I'm glad your okay.... pirate." Isaiah chuckled and shook his head. "Thanks for that." Camilla nods her head.

Turning to the window she sees her dad waiting for her, "I'll come by your house tomorrow, we'll talk about everything then okay?" He nods his head and she gives him a short smile and leaves.


An: And I am done with episode one 😂

Honestly worth it. See guys next chapter.

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