Strange Dream

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The school bell rings letting everyone know that school is over. As Cams makes her way to her bike she hears someone calling out her name and sees that it's Isaiah. "Hey Isaiah, what's up?" She asks, still making her way to her bike. Knowing she'd be going alone cause Lucas went with his friends.
"Did you know that we had a history test tomorrow? Cause I sure as hell didn't." Camilla nods her head and laughs already being aware. "I'm pretty sure that teacher announced it like twice. And we reviewed it.... while you were knocked out. But why do you ask?"
Isaiah looks at her with a hopeful expression. "Well maybe you can help me with it." She looks at him nodding her head, "Yeah, sure,  I can help you study just tell me when and I'll-) Isaiah shakes his head at her, "No I mean cheat."

To this Cam scoffs and shakes her head as well, "I am not letting you cheat off of me, there are so many reasons on why that wouldn't work. One being we don't even sit near each other, second it could get us in some serious trouble. No, it's not happening." And with that she put on her helmet and rode of to her house. Leaving behind Isaiah who sighs in disappointment and heads home.

By the time Camilla gets home she sees that her dads car isn't there so opens the garage door, turning off her bike and heads inside to do her homework. Once she's done she decides to take a nap. She starts dreaming but there's aren't normal dreams,

Standing outside a house. Seeing smoke coming from what looks like the basement. The basement window explodes and in the smoke all she sees are fiery eyes and mouth.

She starts turning in her bed. Her eyes start moving under her eyelids. Her brows start to furrow and head moves left and right.

A camera, a mask, a cuckoo clock, some worms, a book. The objects keep flashing in her until she sees a face screaming at her on fire.

Camilla wakes up with a gasp, heavily breathing and sweat on her forehead, she looks around her room, spots her clock that lets her know it's 6:30 already. She hears her dads car pull up, so she gets up from her bedroom and heads downstairs.
As she goes down the last step she sees her dad trying to open the door with his hands full. "Dad come on, we talked about this. Si necesitas ayuda, just call me. Don't try to make one trip and accidentally drop something." Her dad gives her a chuckle and nods his head, "Lo sé, lo sé, sólo quería ver si podía hacerlo. Clearly I could not, thank you for helping mija."

She smiles at her dad now putting some of his bags down. She looks over them seeing that they're groceries and starts putting things in the right place.  Her father starts heading to their downstairs bathroom, "How was work dad? Anything interesting happen at the ward?" By now her fathers out of his work clothes and is in more comfortable clothing. "No, nothing too exciting, same old, same old. Anything interesting happen at school?"
He turns to his daughter seeing that she's half way through the grocery bags. "Yeah some things. Uh there's the whole game on Friday. Uh we have a history test tomorrow. OH and this girls having a Halloween party that I was hoping you'd let me go too?" She turned to her dad, seeing how he'd react. Seeing his eyebrows furrow, she expected him to say no but then he turned to her, "This history test, is it gonna be hard? Like a scale of one to ten."

Camilla looked at her father all confused, "Let me get this straight your more worried about the test than you are of me going to this party and possibly staying out later then usual?" Her father hummed in approval, "well here's the thing. I was a teenager once and I went to a bunch of party's at that age. This test on the other hand can bite you in the ass, in the future." Camilla stared at her father, shocked written all over her face. "If you must know I'd give it a solid 3, it's not too bad and I've been acing that class. So I'll be fine. Nothings gonna bite be in the ass." They both laugh and finish putting stuff away
Once she sits down on her dining chair she starts zoning out thinking back to her dream. "Alright now that that's over I'm gonna start making dinner.
You want me to make anything else or what?" He looks over at his daughter who's sitting in her chair lost in her thoughts. He walks over to her and snaps his fingers in front of her face. Cam snaps out of it, "what? sorry did you say something?"

Her dad looks at her confused at what just happened. "You okay, you zoned out for a few seconds." She looks at her dad, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that I took a nap and had the strangest dream. I was like super weird, I swear I saw this person on fire screaming at me and then boom, I'm awake." She shakes her head and laughs. Glancing up at her father she sees him staring at her, so she gives him a confused smile. "Dad?"

Her father looks at her and starts chuckling, "Maybe you should lay off the scary movies mija, they're messing with your mind."  She laughs at her fathers joke and nods her head. "Yeah maybe I should for a while." She turns back to her dad and sees that he started cooking.

After having a nice dinner with her father
Camilla decides to go to bed, hoping those weird dreams don't show up anymore. She goes to her bedroom and heads to her bathroom, getting a Tylenol pill that will help her sleep. With that she falls into a dreamless sleep.
An:Another update cause I'm honestly having fun writing this.
See you guys later :P

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