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the next morning:

It was 8 am. I actually woke up at 7 but couldn't open my eyes fully to get up. My family was flying in today. Well they flew in today early morning. They're supposed to reach their hotel at 9. So I texted them to check if everything was okay.


Are you guys on the way?

Sim (yes), we're leaving the airport now

Okay text me when you reach the hotel. I'll come to see you.

Okay. Tchau

Bye bye stay safe.


I got ready for the day. Took a shower, did my makeup, got dressed into cute clothes and had a bit of breakfast. Luckily, I ended up having the same breakfast I had planned last night. Sunny side up eggs with some butter and toast.

While scrolling on my phone I got a call. It was an unknown number.



Who is this?

Your mother idiot

Ohhhh, should I come now?

No, change of plans. Come to the hotel with a swimsuit and stuff for the beach. We're gonna have a yacht day the whole day. You can bring your books if you want to study. There's space to study. But you need to hurry up, we hired the yacht for the whole day.

Oh wow, okay I'll be there in 20. Send me your location.


I quickly packed a few things like sunscreen, some makeup, sunglasses, a cap, my books and headphones and stuffed it all into my tote bag. I sent the location to the Uber and left.

I was excited to see my family. Even though it's only been a few weeks since I last saw them. But still, I loved my family more than anything.

After about 15 minutes, the car stopped and I exited to enter the hotel lobby. It was pretty luxurious looking. The yellow dimmed lights, the sparkly chandeliers, the dark brown and shiny wood occupying every piece of furniture. This was just the lobby, imagine the rooms.

I call my mom to tell her I was downstairs and she said she'd be down in a minute. I went over to the couches to wait for them. A few seconds later, one of the staff members, more of a waiter, came up to me to offer a drink or pastry. Obviously I politely declined. I'm not even a guest, do they just service random people?

One of the many elevators rang and the doors opened. There I saw my family. I walk up to them and my dad's the first one to hug me. I'll be completely honest, I've always been the favorite child. My dad loves me more than my mom though.

"Papaiii" I say while going in for a hug. "How are you?" He says now breaking the hug. "Good good and you?" I ask. "Happy to see you" he says kissing my forehead. "Hola Lucas Hola Leon" I say kneeling down to the twin stroller. They're a bit sleepy but they have enough energy to notice it's me.

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