Chapter 17: Ruined Career

Start from the beginning

"And that decision is?" Aurora asked Cillian.

Cillian took a deep breath and said, "This is not easy for me to say, but I hope you all listen to me calmly and behave rationally."

Everyone gulped.

"LM has decided to terminate Jaxon's contract for the band," Cillain broke the news.

Jaxon froze. Unlike his bandmates who seemed like their inner beasts were awakened.

Davian let out a deprecating laugh. "Is this a joke, Cillian?" His laughter stopped, his eyes sharp and filled with anger. "Is Jax a joke to you people?" he snapped. "You expect us to behave rationally after you are blatantly kicking out one of our members?"

"You can't do this to Jax. This doesn't make sense. The band was formed with Jax in it. How can LM just terminate his contract like this?" Aurora spoke up.

"Of course, they can," Cillian responded sharply. "You probably didn't read the contract properly, Aurora. But it is stated clearly that a singer cannot do anything to harm their voice. Doing so will immediately nullify the contract. And Jaxon has done the very same thing."

"Still, how can you let this happen to Jax? As our manager, shouldn't you protect him?" Aurora demanded.

"I am B4U's manager, not any of your personal managers. Understand that clearly. As B4U's manager, I can't shelter a criminal."

"A criminal?" Declan came forward, anger visible on his face.

"Of course. It is practically a crime to drink soda as an LM singer. Doesn't that make Jaxon a criminal in LM's perspective?" Cillian countered.

"I can't believe you would just abandon Jax like this, Cillian. I didn't expect this from you," Declan spat out.

"Guess what? I didn't expect all of this mess from you guys, either. But look, here we are."

"So what if this is a mess? Can't we just clean it up? We will have Jax apologize to the fans and LM. In fact, all of us will apologize. We will beg if we have to—" Declan was interrupted by Cillian.

"That won't do."

"Why won't it?" Aurora jumped in. "You haven't even tried, Cillian. How can you just give up on Jax like he has no importance?"

"If he gave no importance to the rules, why should I?"

Nina, Tiana, and Ariel were hopelessly watching the argument escalate further between the B4U members and Cillian. While all of their hearts' cried for Jaxon, Tiana and Ariel felt no right to speak up and Nina was unable to speak up against her boss in front of everyone.

Meanwhile, everything was going in a blur for Jaxon.

He couldn't hear a word of the huge fight. He was numb. His world was crashing down. His dreams, hopes, happiness—all of it were gone. Gone just like that with one decision from LM.

One impulsive mistake ruined his entire career.

"—all of you out of your minds? What do you mean you will quit the band if we kick out Jaxon?"

Those words caught Jaxon's attention.

He looked up in horror and found his friends facing Cillian. They all seemed furious.

"Do you know the consequences of your words?" Cillian questioned.

"We will pay for any consequences if it can make Jax stay in the band," Aurora said, her voice firm.

"Exactly," Davian agreed.

"Kick us out too—" Jaxon jumped in and put his hand on Declan's mouth to stop him from speaking any further.

"No, Cillian, they don't mean that! Please don't kick them out! They are just spouting nonsense!" Jaxon pleaded.

"Jax, what are you doing? We are sorting things out here," Davian interjected.

"No, you guys are not! You are making it worse!" Jaxon shouted. "Why would all of you be kicked out because of me? Does it make any sense?"

"It makes sense to us, Jax! We will do anything to protect your place," Aurora answered resolutely.

"And," Declan removed Jaxon's hand from his mouth and said, "if we can't protect your place, we will give up ours. We don't need a band where our Jax has no place."

Jaxon couldn't bear to hear anymore. He already felt guilty enough as it is. Now, his friends' positions in the band were under threat. All because of him.

"You all are just crazy!" The tears that hadn't fallen until now suddenly burst out. "No... All of you are just... big idiots! Idiots with no brain cells!"

"Jax..." Aurora murmured.

"Why would you all give up on your dreams for me?" Jaxon yelled, tears streaming down his face. "I don't want to drag you down with me. Please..." His voice broke down. "Don't make me do that. I can't... I can't take that."

Seeing his tears, the other three's anger calmed down, and they were overwhelmed with guilt for making Jaxon feel worse.

"Jax, we are sorry—" Davian started to apologize, but Jaxon stormed off.

Jaxon strode out of the suite and shut the door after him.

Tiana, who had been watching everything silently until now, couldn't bear it anymore and ran after him without another thought.

Cillain exhaled a frustrated sigh and went into his room. Nina followed after him, in hopes of convincing him to change his decision against Jaxon.

Aurora, Davian, and Declan were staring at the door Jaxon left through.

"Can't we do anything for Jax? Can't we make LM change their decision?" Aurora mumbled, looking at Davian and Declan.

They both shook their heads.

"LM will never change their decision. Once they have declared something, it's final," Davian said.

"So does that really mean Jax's career is over?" Aurora's eyes got teary.

Declan bit his lips to stop himself from crying, while Davian lowered his head as tears brimmed his eyes.

"How can something like this happen to Jax?" A sob escaped from Aurora. She buried her face into her hands and ran to her room.

Ariel followed her to console her, leaving Davian and Declan alone in the living room.

"What should we do now, Dee?" Davian questioned.

"I... I don't know, Davian," Declan mumbled, his voice filled with hopelessness. "I really don't know."

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