Chapter 13: Alex's POV

Start from the beginning

I stepped out into the sunlight, squinting my eyes. I unwrapped my garrote, and readied it like a whip. I turned around and saw that the door had disappeared, leaving us standing in front of a huge pile of rocks that looked vaguely like a fist. Quicker than you can say "Oh look, a giant dog!", a huge black mass of fur bounded out into the opening.

I heard Magnus let out a little squeal of surprise. I smirked, and reminded myself to make fun of him for that later. Then my attention was brought back to the problem at hand. I had heard of these kinds of monsters before. A few Norse demigods I had talked to at Valhalla had encountered hellhounds. However, instead of pouncing at us and trying to rip me into shreds, it waddled over and wagged its tail.

"Ah?" Mallory said, not sure whether to be scared or not.

"Uh... good doggy..." Magnus said.

I was still wary, and kept a hand on my weapon. As the hound barked and approached, I started to step forward. Better to attack first, and ask questions later. But, Magnus thrust his hand out and stopped me from advancing.

"What in the Helheim, Magnus?! What are you doing? It's gonna kill us!" I hissed, trying to push past him.

"No! Just shut up for a minute. It's friendly."

"How do you know?!" I whispered loudly.

"I'm freaking Dr. Dolittle, remember?! She says that she wants to play fetch with us."

Dang it. He was right. I had forgotten that ever since consuming some of Hearthstone's father's blood (very long, very disgusting story. Just don't question it) he gained the ability to talk and understand animals.

Sighing, I put my deadly pottery wire safely away into my pocket, and turned to the others.

"Maggie says we shouldn't kill it. She's friendly."

"DANG IT!" Halfborn screamed. He tended to let out his anger through killing and or maiming other things. And, for some reason, he really enjoyed ripping his shirt off before going berserk.

Everyone stowed away their weapons. It took T.J. way too long to put away his bayonet. I don't know how he carried that thing around everywhere. I prefer portable projectiles.

Magnus approached the hellhound, and reached out to pet it. Immediately, she stuck her huge tongue out and licked every inch of his face. Magnus floundered around and tried to get her to stop, while trying to not giggle. It brought a smile to my face. I do love seeing my boyfriend being adorkable.

Finally breaking away and gasping for air with tears in his eyes, Magnus said, "Her name is Mrs. O'Leary. She can lead us to camp. We came to the right place."

"Mrs O'Leary? I really need to have a discussion with whoever decided to name her," Blitz said.

I like it, Hearth signed.

"Whatever, dude. I guess since it's a dog name, it isn't that bad... but still," I replied. I was now male. Maybe something about Mrs. O'Leary made me transition. Who knows?

Magnus started rubbing her snout. "Lead the way, girl."

"Alright! Time to officially meet these guys! Woo!" I said.


We stumbled through the trees, finally coming out into a clearing. Hearthstone was riding Mrs. O'Leary. They had kinda formed a connection while we were walking along. We had somehow managed to get lost about 3 times. The hellhound had a very short attention span, and started to wander off multiple times, with Magnus having to redirect her every so often.

Myth Mashup (A Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, and Kane Chronicles crossover)Where stories live. Discover now