Sirius returned a few minutes later with a white t-shirt and some plain blue jeans and held them out for Valentina.

She took them and looked at them, "whose are these?"

"Evans'" he shrugged

"That's nice of her" Valentina smiled

"It would be if she knew" Sirius replied, "can't see her or James anywhere" he said with a knowing grin, "But she'll be fine with it" he said gesturing to the clothes.

Valentina sighed and nodded, quickly dressing into the clothes. She stuffed her clothes from the previous night into the gift bag she'd gotten sirius for his birthday.

She was about to rush out when Sirius caught her arm.

"Don't forget this" He said, holding out the mirror

Valentina smiled and took it from his hand, slipping it into the bag.

"Thank you Sirius" she said sincerely, "for everything"

Sirius looked at her like he didn't know what she was on about.

"for inviting me, introducing me to your friends", she clarified

"Of course Val" Sirius smiled, holding her shoulder, his hands running down her arms to hold her hands, "Got to show of my girlfriend haven't I?"

Valentina raised an eyebrow, "Did you deliberate with yourself on that matter?"

"In fact I did" Sirius smirked

"Do I get a say?"


Valentina laughed, "Sirius, i've got to go" she said, pecking him on the lips

He nodded, "i'll see you out, don't forget" he said shaking his mirror, "I'm here when you need me"

Valentina smiled gratefully.

The pair of them walked through the Gryffindor common room.

It was a state and they both laughed at Remus and Peter who were passed out on the sofa drooling.

"Have a good day Val" Sirius said, leaning on the wall next to the common room door

"You too" Valentina smiled back

She was about to leave before she turned around last minted to give Sirius a last kiss.

Valentina was lucky she'd woken up early. The corridors were completely empty and she held her breath as she pushed open the Slytherin common room

There was only one person sat there, perhaps the second worst Valentina could imagine, the first being Avery.


Valentina's eye snapped over to the pretty girl who had a mug of coffee in her hand.

"Hi cordelia" she said back casually

"where on earth have you been?" Cordelia asked scrutinising her carefully, "No ones seen you since your detention"

Valentina flustered, "Oh it ran late" she said as Cordelia stood up and walked over to her to take a better look at her, "And i woke up early this morning to   have a walk around the grounds"

Cordelia's eyes were glued to her collar bone.

"You hooked up with someone!" she gasped, noticing the purple hicky on Valentina's collar bone.

Valentina's hand instantly went to her collar bone, feeling it.

"Cordelia" she said desperately, "please, please don't tell Avery, please" she begged

Cordelia rolled her eyes and laughed, "relax" she said, "I've done it so many times to Rosier"

Valentina suddenly relaxed and she felt her shoulders sag, still she doubted they were the same. If only Cordelia knew with who.

"We're only human after all" she shrugged, "I won't tell him, you don't have to worry. I don't really blame you" she giggled

"Thank you for not saying anything Delia, I owe you"

Cordelia shook her head, "It's ok, I won't tell. Unless it's a Gryffindor that is" she laughed

Valentina knew she was only joking but Cordelia didn't actually know, that was the case.

She had to stop her face showing any signs of panic.

Valentina forced a laugh in response, "As if, I think I'd rather kill myself than do that"

"Right?" Cordelia agreed with a smile

Valentina forced a smile, heading up to the dorms

"oh, and Valentina" Cordelia said following her making Valentina turns around, "let me get rid of that"

Cordelia held up wand up to the bruise, muttering a few words.

The bruise instantly disappeared.

"i've had some practice, I'm quite good" Cordelia replied to Valentina's impressed face.

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