Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. VI

Start from the beginning

A sword that was covered in poison almost sliced my throat, but I dodged it, back stepping, then I cut their hands off using wind magic. "Ahhhhhh!" He screamed in pain as his hands fell to the ground, then his head followed.

"Boom!" An explosion went off as a ball of fire collided with me, then an ice shard, then electricity, and other spells, they combined together right on me, causing debris to shoot up into the air.

I was standing in the debris, my right army no longer holding the sword, it was on the ground as I started to cough up blood after being hit by all those spells. A fist punched in the face, then an ax dug itself into my ribs, forcing me to "shadow step" away, blood rushing out of me.

I appeared out of the debris, next to a woman, I shot a wind blade through her feet, dropping her to her knees, then I shot another through her chest, cutting her in half. I pulled the ax out of me, threw it at a different mage, but a shield blocked it. I rolled my eyes, pushing blood magic throughout my body, needing to heal the wounds that had built up.

"Fuck your shields." I said, deflecting a sword with my hand, shooting a wind blade through his chest, blocked a whip coming at my head, dodged a soulfire blast. I conjured a sword once again, cutting a mage down, then rolled away from a woman using an ax, they had acidic tendrils shooting off of it.

I shot another wind blade, cutting through a shield that had been conjured, then dodged a sword, got hit by a whip right in the nose. I was a little caught off guard by the strike, it caused my nose to bleed a little, but it didn't hurt. I "shadow stepped" further into the army, appearing beside a mage who seemed to be look off into the distance at where I was just at, then my blade entered their ribcage.

An ice shard hit me in the back, then an acidic tendril struck my ankle, I fell to a knee, about to get hit again by a sword, but I rolled out of hit, conjured multiple black spikes around me, impaling a couple of mages. I didn't know how many more times I was going to be able to shadow step, my body was starting to fail me.

I pushed more and more blood magic to my wounds, dodging spells left and right, rolling and ducking, doing whatever was needed. My sword slit the throat of another mage, then a wind blade cut another in half.

My attack was then blocked by a shield, then an electric shock hit me, stunning my body, then a spear collided with the top of my head. My eyes rolled in the back of my head as I stumbled, then was hit with another spell, I didn't know what it was, but it burnt my chest.

I pushed wind out of my body, not like a blade, but a pure force that pushed everyone back, then I gathered myself, snapping out of the gaze. I looked around after the wind blast pushed everyone back, and all I could see was skeletons, oh fuck, I'm hallucinating, hahaha, I'm concussed.

I "shadow stepped" appearing in front of a mage, my blade cut their head off, then I shot another wind blade, killing another mage, dodged an electric shock, then rolled under a blast of fire and soulfire. I was breathing heavily, I was tired, but I could keep going, I wasn't going to simply die here.

I started conjuring water, fire, wind, electric, ice, earth, and black spikes. "Elemental-Storm!" I said, shooting the several elements in all directions, letting the spells envelop them, killing at least two dozen. I cracked my neck as the others came rushing towards me, spells still forming in the back, heading my way.

I spit on the ground, blood coming out of me, and I rolled my eyes as I still only saw skeletons, but flesh was starting to appear. "Hahaha." I laughed as I shot at them, swinging my sword into a shield, trying to break it, but was unable to, then shot a wind blade at a different mage, cutting them down.

I dodged a spike, rolled past a fire spear, then dodged a soulfire blast, swinging my sword into a different shield. I could see why these shield users are annoying when they are powerful, they are a bunch of pussies. I conjured a black spike under the shield, pushing it up, then shot a wind blade at the ankles of the mage, cutting them off.

I spun away from them as they fell to their knees, swinging my blade through a mage's ribcage. I turned back and as the shield deactivated before me, I took the head off of the mage on their knees. I was knocked backwards as a stream of toxic water hit me in the gut, causing more blood to rush out of my mouth, my blood healing could sense a couple broken ribs and damaged organs.

I could feel my father moving, he was flying towards Rosa, she was fine, we were all fine, but I couldn't focus on them, I had to take care of business here. The blood mana my father created gives him such an advantage.

I looked up at the twenty half-breeds that were left, a rush of energy shot through me, sparking more adrenaline. I shot a wind blade at an approaching mage that was holding a black sword like me, and as they went to swing their blade at my wind blade, I watched as his blade was sliced it half, then he came after, dropping to the ground.

I "shadow stepped" and appeared between two, shooting a wind blade through the lower half of one of them, spun and deflected a spear away, conjured a black spike, impaling the mage. I dodged another spell, then shot a wind blade, cutting through a shield, but not the mage as they dodged it.

I blocked a sword, got cut again by an acidic vine, knocking me to the ground, then a sword stabbed me in the shoulder. I looked up at the mage and as we made eye contact, a wind blade sliced them in half, but the sword was still in me as they dropped to the ground. I got to my feet, still holding my own sword, pulling the other one in my shoulder out and throwing it to the ground.

I spun and deflected a blade to the ground, then brought my blade up and killed the mage. I was hit again by another electric shock, which pissed me off, so I shot at the mage I suspected of being the electric elemental. I appeared before them, swinging my sword towards their throat, but it was blocked by a shield.

I "shadow stepped" behind the shield and drove my blade into the mage's back, then kicked them off my sword. I conjured wind blades around me, then pushed them outwards, cutting mages down, leaving four left.

I just needed to kill these four, so I shot into them, swinging my sword at a shield, then started shooting wind blades and conjuring black spikes at the others. I dodged a stream of water, shot a wind blade through the shield before me, breaking it.

I then "shadow stepped" one last time behind the mage who was using water, swinging my blade through their body, then sent a wind blade through the throat of another, leaving the last two who were breathing heavily like me, leaning over, but the look in their eyes told me they had given up.

"Drop to your knees and I won't kill you." I told them, using blood magic to heal myself, but it wasn't really working. It wasn't really the wounds; it was the overuse of my mana. I used a lot to kill the twenty thousand mages from before, then fought these half-breeds, and the whole time I was overusing shadow step.

"Fuck you." The one half-breed said. "I'll never ---"

The top half of his body fell off the bottom half, and I looked at the only mage left, she was standing there, leaning over, soulfire was building up in front of her. "Do you want to die like him?"

"Does it matter?" She asked, then went on. "You are ----" She was cut off as I threw my sword through her throat, her eyes widened, then she fell over and died. I released my Beast Will, returning back to normal, feeling the backlash already.

I cracked my neck, then turned toward Rosa and Virion, they were pretty much done. I'll make my way over to them, the city was ours, this plan by Agrona was pointless, we didn't even need Rosa, well, maybe we did, their force was broken up even more from her presence.

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