When first stepping in you immediately notice the black and white checkered floor throughout the whole diner. Looking around, the 50's theme was apparent with the vintage decor and the splashes of yellow scattered throughout.

I continued to peer around the warm colored diner as Nova and I walked toward the hostess podium.

Tearing my eyes away from the mesmerizing interior, I brought them to the person standing behind the podium.

"Hi, welcome to Sunrise Diner, table for two?" The younger woman asked, looking between me and Nova.

"Yes." Nova replied.

"Great! right this way please." The woman said, grabbing two shiny menus. She stepped away from the podium and began leading us to our table.

Looking around, the diner was pretty packed. I should have assumed since Camilla recommended it, she only goes to popular food places, telling Ethan and I about it after each one.
Soon enough we were at a cushioned deep yellow booth with a stained glass light hanging above it. I sat down at the booth, with Nova sitting across from me.

The waitress quickly placed the menus down in front of us before speaking, "I'll be back to take your drink orders soon." She said while starting to walk away.

"I'll just have a water thank you." Nova said, halting the waitress in her tracks.

"Got it, and for you?" She said facing toward me.
"I need more time, thank you." I told her with a slight smile, before she walked away.

"Do you always just get water?" I asked Nova while picking the menu and flipping to the drink page.

"What can I say, I like being healthy." She said lowly.

"Do you also like being secretive?" I asked, lifting my gaze from the glossy menu to meet her eyes, suddenly feeling a strike of boldness enter my thoughts. 

"What would you like to know?" She said tilting her head and slightly raising a brow at me.

I didn't want to immediately ask her about the company, cause I really wanted to know more about her instead of what this whole thing was... and also because I just asked her and she completely blew me off.

I hummed in thought for a second before thinking of a question.

"Well for starters, how old are you?" I said, ultimately deciding to go for more of a simple question.

"21." She replied.

"Oh so you're in college?" I asked her, raising a brow.

"Graduated early."

"You have your degree?" I asked, challenging her.

"2 of them." Nova said with a slight smirk on her face, and I instantly hummed in response.

"Okay then... Nova Casper, if that's even your real name." I narrowed my eyes at her.

What I wasn't expecting was for a slight chuckle to leave her mouth.

I was brought out of my thoughts when the waitress appeared back at the table, I had completely forgotten about the drinks.

"Are you ready to order yet?" the woman asked me, placing a glass of ice water in front of Nova. I quickly picked up the menu and glanced back down at the drink section.

I ultimately decided to go with a hot chocolate with whipped cream just to be on the safe side.

"Alright I'll have that out soon and I'll be back to take your orders." She said walking away.

The Waitress (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now