Quietly opening the door, he saw Dan's back was to him, but Wennie took notice. She nodded in understanding when Devon motioned for her to keep going.

“Alright, Dan.” Wennie started, but suddenly Dan whipped around, startling Devon.

“Master!” He shouted and jumped over the backrest of the couch as he tackled Devon in a tight hug.

Devon hugged him back and smiled. “I heard you were singing. You sound amazing.” Devon said.

“Wennie's been helping me. She even started to teach me to read and write.” Devon looked at her with shock. “It's fun.”

“Wennie, are you going to surprise me everyday?” Devon asked. He still hasn't let go of Dan and neither did Dan.

“Well, I like to learn more myself. We're doing this together!” Wennie smiled. “Dan is a fast learner. He's doing very good.”

Devon glanced towards the bathroom. “Why don't you quickly draw us a bath?” Devon whispered in his ear. Dan hugged Wennie goodbye before he skipped off to the bathroom.

“He isn't giving you any trouble when I'm away?” Devon asked quietly.

“No, not at all. He's very sweet and gentle.” Wennie turned to the puzzle that laid sprawled across the coffee table.
“And he has a very curious mind. The puzzle entertained him probably the longest out of everything.”

“Thank you for your help, Wennie. Tomorrow I'm going to be here so that I can pack for the trip to Japan. In the meantime, I'm going to have the staff prepare a room for you in the castle where Dan will stay with you.”

Wennie nodded. “Sounds like fun. I'll make sure Dan is happy and healthy.” She suddenly jumped when an idea hit her. “Maybe we can schedule a video call for when you're away. That way Dan can at least see you before he goes to bed.”

“That would help. I'll explain everything more to you tomorrow. Right now just get some rest. You can come in at ten tomorrow.” Devon said and handed her cash again.

Wennie wanted to decline the offer, but Devon insisted. She smiled, thanking Devon and left for the evening. Devon locked the door behind her and went to the bathroom to see Dan waiting in the tub for Devon.

Quickly getting undressed, he joined his lover. “Tomorrow, I'm not going anywhere. We're going to spend the day together.”

“What are we going to do?”

“First, we're going to help Wennie get settled in a room inside the castle and then from there whatever else there is to do.” Devon held Dan's hand again.
“Dan, I'm going to be away for a week or so, but don't worry, okay?”

“What, where are you going? Can't I go with?”

“I'm sorry, the King fordid you to. They'll keep an eye on you, too.” Devon saw Dan looking at the bubbles sadly.

“I'll bring you a few gifts back, if you behave with Wennie and my parents.”

Dan nodded eagerly and watched on as Devon leaned in closer. Dan held onto the vampire prince when their lips met in the middle. This time Dan got more eager with the kiss.
Devon lightly traced his fingers on Dan's arms. Eventually, their fingers were locked in with one another.

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