Start from the beginning

As his words wrapped around me, the threads of our pact tightened, drawing me closer to the abyss. "But remember," he cautioned like a judge passing sentence, "in the dance of shadows, loyalty is not easily shed. Betrayal seeps like poison, rotting the very foundations of our alliance."

The room, once a backdrop, now pulsed with malevolent energy, its walls whispering secrets only shadows comprehended. "Now, for your second wish," he intoned, "the curtain shall shield your acquaintances from our underworld drama. A wise choice, for their safety; yet, think twice before any funny business, as they might become pawns against you."

Bartering with the devil, the price of my soul paid in secrecy and alliances, I pressed on in this dark ballet. "And what of my third act?" I questioned, my words cutting through ambiguity like a sharp blade. "The force at your disposal becoming mine, a double-edged sword. Will you grant this as readily as the first two?"

His response, pregnant with unspoken implications, hung in the air like a requiem's final note. "The force is a fickle ally, So Hee. Like wildfire, it can be harnessed or devoured. But remember, the flames you command may burn you if you play too recklessly."

The atmosphere crackled with finality, the invisible ink of our unholy covenant drying on the parchment of shadows. "Your demands," he concluded, "have been heard, the stage is set. But in this dance of power, always remember, the music may change, and the choreography can take unexpected turns."

With those blessings in disguise, Mr. Bulky completed the ritual, sealing the knot on the unholy alliance I had willingly stepped into. "Whilst we have indeed formalized our mutual commitment by acknowledging the stipulations, the matter at hand pertains to the specifics of my role within the club. Could you kindly elucidate the responsibilities that would be entrusted to me?" I quizzically tossed the question into the sinister symphony, my voice slicing through the smoky air like a dagger.

Under ordinary circumstances, I'd be doing cartwheels at the prospect of a buy-one-get-one-free deal, especially if it involved dragging KK and PP along for the ride. But this wasn't some Black Friday bargain; it was a Faustian pact with the devil himself, and the price tag was etched in blood. "Ah, the dynamic duo of Jungkook and Jimin have the lowdown on that. Head upstairs, and consult Jimin for the grand introduction to both the crew and your duties. Meanwhile, Jungkook is your personal tour guide, unraveling the mysteries of this club's intricate layout. Commit it to memory, no second chances here; we're not fans of the slow and steady." With that decree, he immersed himself in the sea of tasks, instructing one of his minions to summon Yoongi.



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Ascending the stairs, my thoughts churned like a violent tempest. The terms I had set now danced on the razor's edge between self-preservation and ambition, their weight bearing down heavily on my conscience. The dimly lit corridor, adorned with ominous decor, guided me inexorably to a door guarded by Jungkook.

"Ready for the grand tour, So Hee?" Jungkook's greeting held a smile laced with enigma.

Nodding, I upheld my facade of confidence. As Jungkook swung the door open, the club's vibrant pulse swallowed us whole an overwhelming cacophony of thumping bass and a riotous kaleidoscope of lights. The contrast with the clandestine negotiation below was stark as if stepping from one realm into another.

From the shadows emerged Jimin, draped in mystery. His eyes revealed a remorseful acknowledgment of the predicament I now found myself in. "So Hee," he began, but I cut him off with a declaration: "I trusted you, almost as if you were an angel. Now that the truth is laid bare, I fear I can never see you the same way. I'm sorry, but let's keep things between us strictly professional." The words were a stern boundary, etched with the realization that trust had crumbled between Jimin, Jungkook, and me. The look Jimin gave almost made me regret even saying what I just said; however, my anger overpowered my grief to stop me from backing down any soon.

My mini-speech seemed to kindle a fire within Jungkook. He seized me, turning me to face him. "You think what he did was his choice? We don't operate that way, So Hee," he declared, his tone intense. "I don't know the reasons, but you must understand we are mere pawns, moving at the whim of our king. Our duty is to protect and serve without questioning. I suggest you get accustomed to it, for you are one of us now." With those words, he departed, leaving me in a whirlwind of confusion. His defense of Jimin, asserting that he was not in the wrong, fuelled my anger. Yet, on my very first day on the job, I knew better than to unleash that fury.

Authors Note:

Thank you,

Dear readers, for joining So Hee on this rollercoaster of shadows and secrets. Your support means the world, and I hope the twists and turns have kept you on the edge of your seat. Now, as we waltz through the murky depths of this underworld, I'm not just asking for your views but demanding them in a sassy, no-nonsense style. Share your thoughts like a boss because your opinions are the real power moves. Let the shadows whisper your comments, and let's keep this dark ballet going strong! 💃📚 #BookishBosses #SoHeesSaga

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