Chapter 15

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As I laid there– was I laying down? –in my place, my perception of the world slowly came back to me.

I felt the gentle falling of snow. Someone's arm that is holding–

'Someone's arm'?

My once droopy eyes ripped open in panic as I attempted to get away, squirming in their hold.

When they dropped me from the sudden movement, I clawed at the ground– with much difficulty– forcing myself to move even when my own magic protested against me. It burned my joints with searing pain. Parts of my body seized up against my will, but I kept going.

At a certain point during that, my vision went white again as my body went limp, out of my control, but my mind was still in overdrive of distress and pain.

Danger, hUrt, daNGer, hurT, dANger, dangER, DANGER, GET AWAY!

When my senses came back to me again, I once again felt numb. The collected stress forced my soul into a paralyzing state of nothingness as I stared forward boredly, as if I hadn't been in a traumatic state.

I was moved a little way from the place I had been shot; presumably by the person who was carrying me. Looking around, I see a skeleton monster that is looking hesitant at me.

What's he freaked out about?

He wore all black and white with crossed sashes around his torso. A giant knife strapped on his back and lastly, an iconic red zigzag on his left cheekbones. It was Cross.

He stood a couple of feet away from me, looking like he was about to dash away from a feral racoon or something. It was pretty funny. His face looked exactly like the text emoji '0:<'.

Emotions flickered back to me as I grinned mischievously at his expressive reaction.

His posture relaxed a bit as he faced his body more towards me. As he observed me with crossed arms, I faked an innocent smile at him as I enjoyed this new form of entertainment.

He opened his mouth and said something with a stern face, probably in a half scolding manner from what I can tell, but I couldn't hear what he said anyway, so I nodded half heartedly at it, which made him look satisfied.

What did he say anyway? Oh, well, I'm not able to answer back anyway.

I only shrugged to myself, and stood up. Or at least tried to, but couldn't.

My legs were locked up from waist down with no sign of coming back for a while. I huffed in frustration at my new found disability.

Then, a vibration was felt with gusts of wind blowing rapidly from some kind of force, occurring behind Cross. That snapped me out of my predicament. I looked towards interest, catching my curiosity out of my numbed and bored mind.

A figure covered from top to bottom in a goopy substance was fighting Ink, as well as a monster that looked exactly like me was fighting Dream. Well, the second monster was doing more taunting than fighting, but same thing. Nightmare and Killer.

When the cotton-like sensation left my hearing, I tapped where my 'ears' were to check if it was really back. Then I heard small talk coming from where the battle was happening.

"You know, I remember you saying that you were the good guys that helped people regardless of who they were?" The one with black tears like me provoked the two guardians, playing catch with his knife, "Was all that just talk?"

The two mentioned people looked as if they had been attacked personally from that.

"Of course we would!" Ink said as Dream nodded along, "Anyone who needs help would get help from us!"

"Then why'd you attack an innocent monster of this AU, hmm? We never stepped into this AU yet you assumed they were already a part of our gang or something. Isn't that just funny?" Killer laughed at their mistake, "It's like you want to help us increase our members huh?"

Dream had an unreadable expression, but Nightmare only seemed to grin wider at that.

"Oh how pitiful that you still cannot tell the difference between the innocent and an enemy." Nightmare purred out in wicked glee.

Dream winced at that.

"Nightmare! I won't let you take another monster with you to use as your puppet!" Ink cried out in desperation. "I won't let you!"

"It's not your choice now is it?" Nightmare made a motion with his hand and almost all of his gang members promptly teleported behind him.

The last one– Cross, seemed to have been waiting for this –grabbed me in his arms again and carried me like a potato sack, then teleported where the others were; behind Nightmare.

Well, on the bright side, at least I don't have to walk anymore.

The Stars gasped at the sight of me with the gang and prepared to fight them again to get me back, but then they heard a crack from above.

I looked up casually towards the sound in muted curiosity.

There was a crack in the air where the ceiling of the underground should be. As the vine started to grow all around, I heard Inks' furious voice.

"You asked Error to destroy this AU? To what!? Take that Sanses home away so you can manipulate them!?! How low could you get?"

I heard someone scoff at what Ink said, but I didn't hear any of them say something back. As Inks' voice grew louder and louder each question he asked, the gang only gave him the silent treatment. 

Nightmare then made a portal and the four Sans alternates jumped in, bringing me with them.

I heard Dream yell out a 'NO!', but it was too late.

The last thing I saw was my Papyrus flying into the portal with me, and my AU collapsing on itself.

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