Chapter 2

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Accepting the deal was.. impulsive of me? Yeah it was.

Everything after that went by a blur, like a flashback and now, here I am again in the middle of Snowdin of my "AU". I shouldn't know that there are "AU's" in the first place, but I guess that's just part of the perks of having past life memories.

I just finished killing all the inhabitants in Snowdin and was just about to head to Waterfall. I made a bet with the demon about breaking my record of annihilating every monster in the underground in 2 days, and I'm not about to lose again.

I look around to make sure I dusted all the monsters. Everywhere I look is covered in dust. The funny part of it? Well, there's nothing funny.

I begin my walk back through the snow. It's getting pretty dark and cold, and I think I should take a rest for a bit. The next ones are going to be a lil more tough with Undyne coming up next (though I already know how to beat her because of my RESETs).

I got to my destination, my home. Can I even call it my home? I destroyed everything. Killing even my brother, the only one that I cared enough to trust my own life with.

Ugh... stop with that thought, it won't help me at all right now.

The cold feeling was forced back to the corner of my mind as I closed the door behind me and walked inside.

When was the last time I ate again? 2 RESETs back? 5? I don't know anymore, but that doesn't matter right now. I just need enough energy to get some HP back for later.

I walked to the kitchen and looked into the fridge.

*Papyrus's Specially Made Spaghetti!! NYEH HEH HEH!!!

*Papyrus's Specially Made Spaghetti!! NYEH HEH HEH!!!

*Papyrus's Specially Made Spaghetti!! NYEH HEH HEH!!!

*Papyrus's Specially Made Spaghetti!! NYEH HEH HEH!!!

I chose a container with '*Papyrus's Special Made Spaghetti! NHEH HEH HEH!!!' out of the pile. My brother really likes these huh?

Right when I pushed the door to close the fridge, I felt a presence behind me.

I whipped my head back to the corner of the room to see... nothing? I was pretty sure I saw someone there in the corner of my eye socket? Some.. shadowed, tall figure...?

Maybe it was just my imagination and I'm thinking stupid. I must be really tired to start hallucinating like that. Or I'm starting to go insane (seems about right with the seemingly infinite amount of RESETs.)

...Anyway back to my food then..?

I ate what I warmed up in the microwave. My subconscious screamed at me to eat all of it when I was already full. I guess I will never get over the fact that magic makes food eternally preservable. Heh, magic's awesome.

I left the dirty dish in the sink and headed to my room on habit, but stopped in front of Paps door. Guilt and regret pushed back up full force making me force it back down.

I don't need these feelings right now. Chill, stay chill.

I walked down the stairs and sank down into the couch. The bright green cushion was better than the memories our rooms give me.

I can't feel this right now. Not now, not ever.

As I laid on the couch I thought blankly of how to do things tomorrow. The fastest route would be to come back to Waterfall after going to Hotland and killing Alphys, but I already did that during the last run. The demon's going to call me unoriginal.. Ugh, how long can I keep doing this?

How long will I be alone with the demon child? Why am I doing whatever it says when I don't even know how long I'm going to be here? It could be decades or eons this time! I just wish for someone to stumble into this "AU". Oh, how fun that would be.

A humorless chuckle escaped me, as I wondered.

My eye sockets closed and I finally fell asleep.

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