Chapter 12*

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I walked silently through the forest with Papyrus scouting behind me.

We were in the middle of looking for the cause of the sound. I was mostly curious about what survived since there hasn't been any life other than me in the underground, but the fact that they lived through the whole massacre is an indicator that they were either strong as me and more, or they have good hiding and survival skills.

The first option would be dangerous to me, which is why I have my daggers out.

I had my senses stretched thin, trying to locate the sound, as I heard crunching of foot steps from somewhere. They were getting close.

Quickly, I launched myself up into the trees to get out of sight of whoever was coming. Wild animal or not, I don't want to be caught.

If it's an animal though, don't mind it I do.

I waited for it to show itself. Stopping all movement and making my breaths calmer.

Blend in. Be quiet. Be the space.

After a while of waiting, three figures passed by. Two in the front and one in the back.. all of them familiar.

Was that Ink, Dream and.. Blue? What are they doing here?

I tried my hardest to not shift around and stayed in place until they left my area. Then hopped down from my tree.

Papyrus drifted towards me.

"Do you perhaps know these skeletons from the RESETs you had in the past? Because I'm pretty sure me and you are the only skeletons in the whole underground..?"

I dipped my head once slowly, then tilted my head in confusion.

"Alright then, I guess you don't know either?"

I nod.

We headed towards where the trio went, following their footprints in the snow.

The team was standing in a circle in the clearing discussing how to find the person (pretty loudly I'll say too).

I hid behind the tree to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Is it really this AU you felt the negativity from? Also if that happened, where's Nightmare?"

That seemed to be Ink talking.

Man, he sounds annoying.

"Well, yes. The AU was covered in negativity. I'm sure this is the AU."

Huh... covered in negativity..?

"Though I also wonder why my brother is still not here, it's better for us since we can help the survivors before he comes."

Dream sounds assured of himself and relieved.

Not gonna lie, he sounds like the stereotypical perfect golden child. I don't know how I know how that sounds since I've only read them in stories.

The guardian and the protector were in a deep conversation of whatever they were talking about, but during all that, Blue was the only one that I didn't hear talk with the other two on what to do.

Also, can't Dream not feel my emotions?

Papyrus whispered as he came closer to me.

"They seem to be trying to find someone. Do you think someone else is still alive, or are they looking for us?"

I shrugged at him.

Trying to see the situation, I peeked behind the tree I was using for cover. Ink and dream were now talking about... doors? What does that have to do with the mission?

Suddenly, I heard Blue shout.

"Hey guys, we still have the mission to do, and I think I see someone right there in the forest!"

How the fuck-?!

I quickly jumped up into the trees and used that to hop away, not wanting them to catch me.

"Hey-! Wait!"

I ignored their yelling and kept on going.

Where to hide, where to hide. Hide, hide, I need to HIDE-

My instincts were yelling at me to get away from the potential danger.

"We only want to help you get out of this awful AU!" I heard them say from afar.

Good, I got away pretty far.

I ran towards Grillby's to hide in the storage. (Breathing was a little bit harder.)

They're probably either going to my house or somewhere else. Not the storage. Never the storage.

I started breathing heavily and small pains started going through my soul. My body trembled in pain, but I ignored it and kept going.

... Need to hide... from.. DANGER..!

I started slowing down little by little, hopping in trees becoming harder and harder, until I missed my landing, and fell from the height with a crunch. Ow..

I heard footsteps coming closer to me as I tried to stand up, trying to balance my weight on my unsteady legs.

I can see Grillby's only across the street. I reached out my hand, wishing to be able to move faster.

Almost there-!!

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