Chapter 13*

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"Stop right there! We are only here to help!" I heard Ink shout from behind me.

I was right in front of the door as I stopped my movements.

I didn't make it.

My hand fell from the doorknob.

"Please come with us so we can help you! We didn't think you would be afraid of us, I'm sorry!" Dream apologized.

Feeling doubtful, I shifted my head slightly to look at them, uneasiness creeped up on me. They don't even seem out of breath.

Stepping forward, Dream continued with his comfort speech.

"I can see you're the Sans of this AU. Please tell us what happened here so we can help you."

I heard small steps being taken from behind me. Coming closer to me each step.

I was still facing Grillby's, stuck in my own thoughts.

On one hand, they can help me get out of the empty AU.

That would be nicer than the emptiness I created here. I felt some hope there, yearning to see other living beings.

But on the other hand, they might see me as another person they know and won't listen to my reasoning.. not that I could talk for that to happen anyway.

I discreetly looked towards Papyrus who appeared in front of me, phasing through the door. He looked back at me confused, but only shrugged at me briefly, looking towards the Star Sanses in skepticism.

I took a deep breath and sighed. I put my hands in my pockets as I finalized my decision and turned around. I proceeded to stare at them to see the incoming reaction.

I had my head tilted sideways, waiting.

After a few moments, I heard a yell of shock. Well, all of them were visibly shocked.

"Killer?!" Ink squawked in confusion as his eyelights changed from yellow-green to orange-purple.

The three skeletons swiftly jumped back, shifting into a battle stance. They stood a couple of feet away from me with their weapons equipped in their hands in alarm.

"What did you do to these poor souls?"

My shoulders fell from their reaction, eye sockets furrowing.

Seems like my prediction was right.

I huffed in exasperation, spawning my daggers in my pockets in preparation.

"Why're you here?!" Ink yelled at me, but I couldn't answer back. "What did you do to this AU?"

Silence came back in full throttle as he waited for my response. Looking angrier and angrier as seconds pass by.

"ANSWER ME!" Ink demands this time, "Did Nightmare send you here to kill all the monsters here? What's your purpose?!" But still I couldn't answer.

I can't answer you dumbass.

As annoyance accumulated inside me, I could see Dreams face scrunch up in confusion. His hold on the bow loosened a bit as he observed me in peculiarity. He opened his mouth to say something, but was over-talked by Blue.


I looked over to Blue as my mouth thinned into a line.

I didn't. You're talking about another person.

That's when Ink had enough of my silence and attacked me.

I barely dodged the wide swing.

"Why aren't you saying anything like all the other encounters we had? Where's the snarky comments now Killer?" He swung his giant paintbrush at me as I avoided the red paints.

I looked at him with a deadpan. Never have I ever seen Killer in this life.

At this distance, I could see some bolded writing on the outer part of Ink's scarf.

'–reams favorite color i–'

'-et Blue kn – ou want to eat soup tod–"

'Remember to bru – ight aft – eating human fo–'

So he does have a goldfish memory. He even forgets to brush his teeth? Eww... but that still means that he can see the color of my soul, however faint. So does he not care or is he just that blind?

I moved to the side to dodge a bone attack from Blue, and slashed at him with my daggers. To which he blocked, and summoned a barrage of bones to rain down where I was standing.

My kicked myself backwards to avoid it, which had me in the range for Ink to get a hit at me. I narrowly dodged the purple paint thrown at me from the side.

"Brother!" I heard Papyrus from behind me as I was shaking from the over-excursion of my body. 

Usually after a light exercise, I need to take some time to recover, but I didn't have that right now. Except for the small pause I had in front of the door before I was caught, but that just wasn't enough for me. 

As I was about to give back an attack of my own to Ink in revenge, an arrow came flying from behind me and pierced my shoulder.

From my 'ears', the natural noise of the underground quieted.

Why'd they stop attacking... why am I on my knees..?

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