Chapter 6*

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Far away in a castle of an abandoned AU, there was a dark figure, seemingly secreting tar sitting by his desk. He looked at the pile he had finished, then looked at the stack he had to do, then sighed.

He was fed up with the constant working he had to do under a small amount of time. He had to keep up with the balance of the multiverse so that it doesn't tip over, and the Star Sanses hadn't made it easier for him either.

He sighed again.

As the figure tried to relax during his minimal break time, he heard a loud crash. His lone eye narrowed, an icey blue, as he started heading to the entrance door of his office.

With each step he took, the louder the sounds from the other side of the door. Two distinct voices shouting and screaming at each other.

When he opens the door, he sees four skeletons in total; one sitting near the ceiling in his hammock knitting, the other enjoying the petty fight happening while sipping on his tea, and the ones screaming were a monochrome soldier and an eternally crying psychopath murderer.


The soldier yelled at the running skeleton.

"Heheh. Crossy, It's called, 'Finders keepers'," Killer waved the chocolate bar tauntingly to Cross, "I found it, so it's mine now!"

Killer stuck his tongue out to Cross as he ran around the couch, in a game of catch.

Cross growled. 

"You took it, from my stash!", Cross jumped over the couch to tackle Killer.

"Hey, that's not fair!"

Looking at the current situation, Nightmare could only massage his temple. Another crash was heard from across the hall.

"Idiots." Nightmare said under his breath, "You are all idiots."

"B-b-but y-youu k-kee-ep us h-here-e a-anyway-y."

Error came down from his hammock, lightly landing somewhere beside Nightmare with a smug grin on his face.

"Yes, indeed. And I still wonder why."

Nightmare sighed.

Dust then came up to him and offered his mug, to which Nightmare politely declined. He wasn't feeling up to consuming anything right now.

"Killer, Cross."

Both skeletons stopped what they were doing when they heard their name.

"The two of you will be on grocery and dish washing duty for a month starting today."

Killer whined, while Cross just blushed in embarrassment.

"Got it? Good. Now try to keep quiet while I-"

Suddenly, a huge amount of negativity was felt by Nightmare. His eyelights shrunk in surprise as he hastily tried to locate where the strong emotion came from, but it quickly slipped away from his sensory range. As a serious look took over his face, the King of Negativity got the attention of his subordinates .

Cross walks up to him, "Boss?"

Nightmare's posture changed as he started giving out orders.

"Cross, you will be in charge of back up procedures if it comes to it. Stay with Dust at all times, you two will be pairs. Error, you keep an eye out. Killer, you're coming with me."

Nightmare gathered his magic.

"W-wha-at happ-pened-d N-nightmmare-re?" Error asked worriedly, as he opened a screen.

"I just felt an immense amount of negativity enough to tip the balance over for a mere second, and wasn't able to keep track of it immediately."

Error was taken aback.

Balances weren't an easy thing to overcome. Usually it would take years to accumulate– the balance of creation and destruction– or there was a large crowd in one place doing the same thing at the same time– the balance of positive and negative feelings.

There are different ways to break the system that was created long before they existed, but those were also nearly impossible to do. Especially in just a second, and more so if it was too short for even Nightmare to miss it.

"D-do you-u t-thin-nk it-t wi-ill-l b-be a threat-t?"

Dust, Killer and Cross dropped into the portal made by Nightmare.

"We will have to see."

As he said that, Nightmare teleported himself, following after the three as the portal disappeared behind him.

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