Reclaiming Xyrus Pt. V

Start from the beginning

Spells from the back lines started to build up, and as they were shot at me, I shot myself forward, appearing before the half-breeds, my sword came up, but the one I was aiming for dodged the attack, then a fist came at my face from a different one. They were much faster than the mages that I had just fought, I had to adjust real quick, but it should be fine.

An iron sword came down on me, I parried it, then an ice arrow and fire spear flew through the air, they were the only spells heading to where I was now. I side stepped, sent my sword through a male half-breed that was holding an ax, killing him, then spun away from him, blocking another attack, then jumped into the air as a spike grew at my chest.

I landed on the ground, swung my sword, beheaded another, then I started conjuring black spikes all around me, backing some of them up as I fought others, keeping myself guarded from spells that were heading my way. I made sure that there were half-breeds with me, in front of me, so that any spell that was directed my way, would have to hit them first, or be shot from a weird angle.

"Die!" A female said, she had decently long horns, she swung a knife my way, but it fell to the ground as I cut her hand off. "Ahhh!" She screamed as blood shot out of her, then as I blocked a sword heading towards my face, I dodged another spell, then killed the girl who had lost a hand by conjuring a spike into her chest.

A fist hit me in the side, knocking me a little away, then more spells headed my way from the half-breeds not so close to me. I dodged a sword, dodged an ax, stabbed a half-breed who was holding nothing, he only had his fist. An arrow passed through me as I liquified myself, then reformed and dodged a sword.

Spikes were still growing rapidly around me, forcing the half-breeds to move around, not all of them could focus on me, they were focusing on staying alive without mana. An ax came at my face, cutting my cheek, then I dodged a sword, got hit in the shoulder by an arrow, and ice spread over the wound.

I reached up, ripped the arrow out, used the black liquid that was circling me to heal the wounds on my face and shoulder. The slight damage done to me was nothing, I loved the pain! "Hahahahah!" I laughed, scaring a couple of them as my aura pushed them back, then my sword killed one, then I caught one by the throat as they jumped my way. "Pathetic!"

I snapped her neck, dodged a sword, dodged a couple spells head my ways, and I could sense that black spikes had impales and cut a bunch of the half-breeds. 'Can I come out?' Hades asked, I sent him a mental nod, and that is when he slithered out of my body and grew, causing the half-breeds to look up at him in horror.

He started rampaging through them as I fought the ones right here in front of me. 'Kill the bitches who are shooting spells at me.' I sent a mental message to him as I was hit with a fire ball, then cut with a sword, then punched in the face, blood came out of my mouth, then a punch hit me in the chest, then a sword slit right underneath my eyes as I was all of a sudden overwhelmed by them.

I shot wind out of my chest, pushing me back away from them as they got closer, my sword came up, slicing into one of their ribs, then I ripped it out and beheaded another. A ball of fire, a purple and black vine, and other spells were raining down on me, but I conjured a mana barricade using Seris's magic, blocking the spells above me.

They were going to kill their own soldiers with their spells, Hades was still making his way towards the mages who were shooting spells, he was getting blocked by other ones, having to fight them first before reaching the back lines. They were dealing damage to him though, which wasn't a good sign, but I couldn't help him, I had to focus, if I slipped up, they would kill me, I believe that.

I killed another, got hit in the face with an ax, then soulfire reached my feet, but was frozen as I pushed ice onto it, ignoring it, then deflected a spear coming down on me away from me. I knew I was smiling; they were making me work for this. I allowed a dagger to go through my chest, liquifying myself so that it didn't deal any damage, then reformed, reached out, and shot a wind blade through a man, slicing him in half.

I conjured another blade in my open hand, and started to dual wield as I fought these half-breeds. I deflected a spear, then a sword, stabbed another half-breed, then cut another in half, blood was rushing all over the ground, so I pulled some of it to me.

The blood rushed up to my face, entering my mouth as I drank it, restoring my own mana, then I was punched in the side, causing me to cough, and spit out some of the blood I was drinking. "Fuck you!" I said to the man who punched me, then slid my sword into his core, killing him as I spit in his face.

I was through about forty of them, Hades had killed about fifteen, slithering passed a couple more, there were about fifty left on my street. I continued to go at it, blocking, and killing, shooting spells, conjuring spikes, it didn't matter if they were half-breeds, I was a full breed.

As I went on, I expanded the range in which I was controlling their cores, eventually, I had control over all of the half breeds on my street. I was butchering them, I did take damage, but they couldn't do anything to me that I couldn't heal.

"Hahahahha!" I laughed some more, blocking a strike towards my throat, this was awesome, if I make a mistake, I'll die! "Yes! This is what I was waiting for!" I shouted as I deflected a blade away from me, dodged a spear, conjured a wind wall blocking a dagger rushing towards my head.

I didn't even know what was going on with the others, I was too focused, having too much fun fighting. I was sure they were fine, maybe slightly hurt, but Rosa and Damon should be able handle this type of situation, it's why they were made.

A sword came down on me, digging into my shoulder, drawing a massive amount of blood. "You are a monster!" The man said with anger, looking me in the eyes, and I looked at him with disgust as I drove both my swords into his gut, then I liquefied myself as an ax and two spells from a distance were about to hit me, allowing them to pass by, and allowing the sword to drop to the ground.

I spun and killed two more, dropping them to the ground, blocked a spear, deflected a sword away from me. An arrow was sent my way, and a soulfire and ice spell, but I simply formed a mana barricade, blocking all attacks. I swung my blade and wind shot out of it, killing a mage, then I did again, and again, killing a couple.

I restored my mana once again as I took a spear to the gut, grabbed it, pulled it through me so that I was closer to the half-breed, further down the spear. I drove my sword into his throat, then manipulated the blood to come towards me, drinking it, bathing it, I felt amazing.

'Get off the fucking spear.' Hades told me as I liquified myself, allowing the spear to drop to the ground. 'Thank you.' I rolled my eyes as the two of us looked at one another, there were about ten of them left in between us.

I shot at them, feeling the wind in my face, bringing my one blade up into one of their throats, then spun and beheaded another, conjuring a black spike into another's chest, impaling them on it.

A whip came at my face, I dodged it, then Hades swallowed them, absorbing his blood. I killed the one beside them, and eventually, we had killed the rest of them, leaving the corpses of our enemies laying on the street behind us.

It was a glorious sight as I turned around, half-breed vritras dangling on spikes, heads detached from bodies, corpses cut in half, I fell to a knee, tired, but relieved, that was fun. Hades entered my body, the blood he had consumed, transferred into me, and my energy was built back up.

"Hah." I took a deep breath, got to my feet, and turned my attention to everyone else for the first time. They were all still fighting, Arthur was almost done, he seemed to be handling everything quite nicely, my children were alive, damaged, but fine.

I'll go and help, a little more killing couldn't hurt anyone.

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