Chapter 17

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The Village of Kada
September 18, 1601

The wind howled mournfully, carrying with it the whispers of the ancient spirits. Olayon closed his eyes, his thoughts consumed by Aislin, the woman who had mysteriously appeared in their village. Her arrival had been met with both wonder and trepidation, for her vision held the power to alter the course of their lives.

But Olayon had come to know Aislin to see the compassion and strength within her. He longed for her to remain by his side to share their lives together. Yet, he could not ignore the ominous premonition that plagued her dreams. He knew that her safety lay within the confines of the cave, away from the dangers that lurked beyond.

With fervent sincerity, Olayon beseeched Kabunyan, the mighty deity of their people, to guide their paths. His voice resonated through the sacred space, a plea filled with love and selflessness. He asked for Aislin's well-being, even if it meant being separated from her, for he could not bear the thought of her life being in danger in his world.

Tears glistened in Olayon's eyes as he finished his prayer, his heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty. Would the gods hear his plea? Would they grant him the strength to let go if it meant protecting Aislin?

Leaving the sanctuary, Olayon made his way back to the village, his steps echoing the turmoil within his soul. He knew that Aislin would be safe in the cave, shielded from the perils of their world. And as he walked away, a sliver of hope clung to his heart, hoping that the gods would heed his prayers and lead her back to the era from which she came.

Olayon hurriedly descended from the forest and returned to the village of Kada, where his cousin Sogaypan was still celebrating her wedding feast.

"Dokipen!" Olayon quickly called on his brother as soon as he spotted him.

"Brother! What is it? You looked very alarmed?"

"Collect your weapon and gather all the warriors." Olayon instructed his brother.

"Do we have an intruder?" Dokipen inquired as he fastened his blade sheath to his waist.

"You are the swiftest among the warriors. Take the shorter route to investigate the situation at the border. Signal us once you have ascertained an irregularity has taken place."

"Yes, brother," Dokipen answered as he went on his way.

Olayon quickly gathered all the warriors and gave them instructions on what to do.

As they made their way towards the nearby border of the mountain, they spotted Spanish soldiers accompanied by Filipino allies lurking in the area.

Olayon signaled some of the warriors to take their positions, while he and a few others confronted the intruders to find out their purpose for coming to the village.

Olayon stepped forward, his voice steady but laced with a silent warning.

“How did you pass thru our borders? What is your purpose here?” Olayon demanded, his eyes flashing with defiance.

The Spanish soldiers, their armor glinting ominously, sneered with arrogance.

“We come with peace my brothers, and justice for one of our fallen brothers,” a man wearing a brown hood with brown loose robes with loose sleeves, cord girdle and a pair of sandal spoke out.

"Peace? Justice? What you seek is not here in this village." Olayon’s grip tightened around his weapon, his knuckles turning white. "Tell me, how did you pass thru our borders?"

The air crackled with tension as Olayon locked eyes with the Spanish soldiers.

"Are you the chieftain here? Your warrior let us through," their leader spat, his voice dripping with disdain.

My Journey To YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora