Chapter 3

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The Chieftain of Lakem

Denial still clung to Aislin's thoughts, so she wanted to investigate more, to make sense of her situation. She wanted to go seek out her companions, though she was unsure if they had also "traveled" with her in this village.

When as if a Divine Being wanted to answer her questions, a man opened the door. Their eyes meet, her golden brown eyes to his dark brown eyes, this man with his sun kissed complexion, and a strong, well-defined physique, sculpted by physical work. His prominent nose, dark brown eyes, and thick eyebrows created a harmonious blend of strikingly handsome features.

His tousled chestnut hair fell in waves over his forehead, adding to his rugged appeal. As he stood there, a faint smile played on his lips, revealing a set of perfectly aligned white teeth. His jawline was chiseled and defined, exuding a sense of confidence and strength. The man's presence seemed to radiate a certain magnetism, drawing her in and filling the room with an undeniable aura. Time seemed to stand still as they locked eyes, the air crackling with an unspoken connection. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring them together in this moment, their fates intertwined by some divine force.

Aislin couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and curiosity towards this man. His presence seemed to fill the room, commanding attention and respect. The way he moved with grace and purpose.

Aislin watched as he made his way to the hearth and lit a fire. As the fire crackled and the flames danced, casting a warm glow throughout the room, she could hear the soft rustling of the wind outside. The faint scent of wood smoke filled the air, mingling with the earthy aroma of this old house. The room felt cozy and inviting, a sanctuary from the unknown world outside.

Only when he took out some dishes from a basket did she realize that he had it in his hands. Carefully organizing the food on the pinewood table, he brought out three wooden bowls and spoons. He must be expecting someone's arrival, as there are only two of them in this dwelling. He pulled out a stool and gestured for her to sit. She hesitated a bit because more than her feelings of hunger, she wanted to ask him where she was or if he had seen any of her companions.

After contemplating for a while, she walked towards the kitchen and seated herself. Both of them must be waiting for who's going to speak first, but Aislin didn't want the silence to linger. To ensure that they could communicate effectively, she initiated the conversation with some pleasantries. After all, how would they know if they could understand each other if neither of them spoke up?

"Ahem, Ahem," Aislin coughed, breaking the silence. "Hi, my name is Aislin."


She glanced around, taking in the surroundings. "Your house... looks amazing, very aesthetic, and...antique. I've always wanted to see houses like this. Can you believe we stumbled upon it? Do you live here with someone? You see, I traveled with my teammates, are they here too? Where exactly are we?"


Aislin rolled her eyes and said, "Do. You. Understand. The. Words. That. Are. Coming. Out. Of. My. Mouth."



As if taken aback by the language that escaped her lips. The man finally talked. Aislin leaned in closer, desperately trying to decipher the words that flowed from his lips in the unfamiliar Kankana-ey language.

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