Chapter 8

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The Missing Dead

Aislin was startled awake from the small knock at the door. She sat up, blinking. When she opened, Olayon stood on the doorway, his handsome face basking in the ethereal glow of the moon's luminosity.

His piercing brown eyes seemed to sparkle with a mysterious energy as he gazed at Aislin. His hair was tousled, falling in disarray around his chiseled features. Olayon’s presence always had a captivating effect on Aislin, and she couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest as she took in his striking appearance.

The moonlight accentuated the strong lines of his jaw and the slight stubble that adorned it, adding a touch of ruggedness to his otherwise flawless complexion. The room instantly felt warmer in his presence, as if his mere presence brought a comforting glow that enveloped the space.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"But It's still dark," Aislin replied sleepily.

Olayon handed her a galey and said, "It's a three hours hike. You better dress warmly. It will get colder when we get there."

"I can't even jog for thirty minutes, let alone hike for three hours," Aislin mumbled to herself, rubbing her eyes.

The outside world, with its dark and surreal appearance, seemed to resemble something out of a dream. The moon, a pale orb, hung low in the sky, adding to the ethereal atmosphere. Its soft glow reflected off the dew-covered grass, creating a mystical shimmer. Casting an icy brilliance, the stars illuminated the sky and appeared to dangle precariously. As if they might descend at any instant, vanishing into the mist-laden trees.

The trees, their branches reaching towards the heavens, stood like ancient sentinels, their leaves swaying gently in the night breeze. A thin layer of mist danced along the ground, weaving its way through the landscape, adding a touch of mystery to the scene.

Everything was shrouded in silence, with no sounds of insects humming or the rustling of the rice fields breaking the quietness.

The absence of any human presence heightened the feeling of solitude, as if the world had been frozen in time. It was a moment where reality blurred with imagination, where the boundaries between dreams and waking life became indistinguishable.

Unfazed by the obstacles in their way, Aislin shadowed him as he ventured down a faint path that led to a forest. The forest was dense and filled with an air of mystery. Effortlessly mirroring his steps. Olayon deftly hitting the small tree trunks and clumps of grass with his blade to clear the footpaths.

The path they were on seemed to disappear at times, swallowed by wild overgrowth, but Olayon's skill with his blade ensured their progress was never hindered for long. With each swing, he expertly cleared away any obstacles in their way, sending tiny twigs and leaves flying. Aislin watched in awe as his movements were almost dance-like, a graceful choreography of precision and strength.

Despite the continued persistence of darkness, the silence was abruptly shattered by a sudden melodic call of a nearby bird. Birds of various colors flitted from branch to branch, their melodic songs filling the air.

Her eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness as the light changed so subtly, slowly shifting to daylight.

Initially, her heart throbbed, and her thigh muscles stretched under the unfamiliar exertion of climbing, but eventually, her body synced with the terrain. As dawn broke, she no longer tripped.

Soft moss grew along the edges of the trail, creating a lush carpet that cradled her feet with each stride. It was as if the very essence of the forest had conspired to create a magical walking experience, where the ground beneath her feet felt cushioned and springy, as if nature itself was supporting her every step.

The scent of wildflowers and earth filled the air, enticing her senses. Beyond the forest, she could see majestic mountains, their peaks reaching towards the heavens.

Further still, a sparkling river wound its way through the landscape, promising secrets yet to be discovered. The world seemed vast and endless, inviting her to explore its hidden wonders.

"We are almost there," Olayon declared.

Soon enough, they arrived at their destination, leaving Aislin bewildered by her own emotional state. She was torn between feeling nervous and anxious, and surprisingly, she felt a little sad.

The sun was just beginning to set, casting a warm golden glow on the rolling hills and blooming wildflowers. A gentle breeze rustled through the trees, carrying the sweet scent of honeysuckle. It was a scene straight out of a fairytale.

However, despite the beauty surrounding her, Aislin couldn't shake off the strange mix of emotions that had consumed her. She felt nervous about what awaited her inside the cave, anxious about the uncertainties that lay ahead, and a surprising sadness tugged at her heart, as if she was bidding farewell to something familiar It was a whirlwind of conflicting feelings that left her bewildered and unsure of how to proceed.

As Aislin approached, she could clearly see the cave with its entrance adorned by fresh green leaves that dangled invitingly. She ventured into the cave, and an air of mystery pervaded the space, leaving her unsure of how to activate the enigmatic loophole that had transported her to this point in time.

The dimly lit cave seemed to whisper secrets as Aislin cautiously stepped forward, her heart pounding in her chest. A faint scent of moss and earth filled the air, adding to the mystique that surrounded her. She could hear the distant sound of water trickling, echoing through the cavernous space. Confusion and curiosity battled within her, intensifying the mixed emotions swirling in her mind.

Hence, she undertook the task of touching and tapping the walls and corners of the cave. The walls were rough and cold beneath her fingertips, sending shivers down her spine.

"Well, what are you doing now? Are you expecting someone to burst through the walls of this cave?" Olayon asked, looking at her with amusement.

"I am trying, okay! But nothing is happening."

Aislin's footsteps echoed off the damp stone, creating an eerie symphony that seemed to intensify her growing unease.

She glanced around, her eyes darting from one shadowy corner to another, as if expecting something to jump out at her.

The air inside the cave was heavy and musty, a scent that mingled with her own nervous perspiration. Despite being dreadful, Aislin pressed on, determined to uncover the secrets that lay hidden within the depths of the mysterious cave.

"Maybe the mummy's the one that transported me here? But this cave is empty. Am i supposed to find the person who was buried here?" Aislin said, deep in thought. Her mind raced with possibilities as she considered the supernatural nature of her current predicament.

This cave, carefully selected as the final resting place, holds significant cultural and historical significance. It stands as a testament to the person's exceptional contributions and esteemed position in society.

The cave's location, nestled within the heart of the land, speaks to the individual's deep connection and commitment to their community. It symbolizes not only their prominence but also their dedication to safeguarding the welfare and prosperity of their people.

The decision to grant this distinguished individual a burial ground within the cave is a reflection of the immense respect and gratitude bestowed upon them for their lifelong service and protection of the land and its inhabitants.

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