Chapter 12

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Myths and Mysteries

Olayon gently woke Aislin from her peaceful slumber when it was time to partake in the evening meal. She groggily opened her eyes, taking in the scene before her.

He carried Aislin to the location where the villagers assembled and indulged in a feast featuring a cooked boar.

The aroma of roasted boar filled the air, enticing everyone's appetite. The villagers had gathered in a central clearing, where a long wooden table was adorned with an array of mouthwatering dishes. Colorful fruits and vegetables. The villagers eagerly chatted and laughed as they shared stories of their day's adventures, their faces illuminated by the warm glow of torches that lined the clearing.

Olayon, with tenderness in his eyes, carried Aislin in his strong arms to her seat at the table, ensuring she was comfortable before joining the merriment himself. The evening meal promised not only a feast for the senses but also a time for camaraderie and celebration in the heart of the village.

Olayon served her with a cup of savory broth, a bowl of fragrant rice, delectable meat, and fresh vegetables.

Once everyone finished their meal, Dokipen unveiled a clay jar brimming with tapey (rice wine). Each person poured wine into their wooden bowls.

Aislin winced at the taste but sipped it gradually as a gesture of respect.

While the men and women congregate for the festive event, the children and younger kids are assembled in one spot, where one elder is narrating stories to them.

Aislin wanted to listen, but her grasp of the language was lacking.

"Are you interested in the story?

Olayon noticed her gaze fixed on the elders and the children, prompting him to approach and assist her in understanding the language providing translation.

"Once upon a time," Olayon started, "there was a hunter who stumbled upon a captivating woman while out on a hunt. Perched upon a rock, she exuded an air of mystery. So enamored was the hunter by her beauty that he failed to notice the encroaching darkness of nightfall. Realizing he needed shelter, he asked the woman if he could be accommodated in her house, to which she led him to a cave that she called home. Surprisingly, the cave was habitable and furnished, making it a suitable dwelling. Grateful for her hospitality, the hunter asked the woman how he could repay her kindness. Instead of a material request, she only asked for one promise - that he would be cautious of white strangers. She warned him of their intentions to subjugate and enslave their people, treating them like mere spectacle for entertainment. In awe of her wisdom, the hunter vowed to share her warnings with his own people upon his return. When he finally arrived back in his village, many believed his encounter to be with a tomongao, a mystical being. Heeded were all the warnings he passed on, ensuring the safety of his people. However, upon his next visit to the cave, the mysterious woman had vanished, leaving the hunter to speculate that she had returned to her own world. Time passed, and the hunter married and had a son. Just as promised, he imparted all the knowledge and teachings he had acquired from the enigmatic woman to his son, who grew up to be a skilled hunter and strategic warrior. Together, they forged a pact among all the clans and tribes, vowing to deny entry to any white strangers in their mountains. They believed that allowing interference in their lives would result in the loss of their way of life, homes, and identities - a transgression that would surely bring punishment from the gods."

As Aislin listened to Olayon's words, a shiver ran down her spine. The air seemed to grow heavy with the weight of the story. Aislin couldn't help but imagine the scene unfolding before her, the woman's words echoing in her mind. The thought of these white strangers, driven by their desire for conquest, sent a chill through her.

The story felt like a warning, a glimpse into a future that was both captivating and unsettling. Aislin's mind raced with questions, her curiosity ignited by the possibility that this mythical woman was another "traveller" like her. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was a deeper meaning to this tale.

"What happened to the woman?" Aislin asked.

"She was gone when the hunter went to visit her cave. And she never showed up again." Olayon replied.

"This... cave, is it the same where you found me?" Aislin asked nervously.

"No, it's not the same. It will take a day to go to that place. Do you... want to go there?" Olayon inquired, a tinge of melancholy evident in his gaze..

"I... I don't know." Aislin responded with a hint of hesitation in her voice.

"I can take you there in a month. Dokipen and I will be attending the wedding of our cousin," Olayon answered.

"Mn. Alright then." Aislin said, a faint smile gracing her face. "Does this pact that was made still remain valid?”

"While it is true that the clans may have their own disputes, they all come together and honor the pact that was made by our ancestors. This is especially true when it concerns outsiders. In fact, the pact has grown even stronger now than ever before."

The clans, rooted in ancient traditions and bound by a deep sense of loyalty, understand the importance of unity when faced with external threats. They recognize that their collective strength lies in upholding the sacred pact forged by their ancestors.

This pact serves as a guiding principle, emphasizing the need to set aside internal conflicts and prioritize the greater good of their community.

When outsiders encroach upon their lands or threaten their way of life, the clans seamlessly come together, setting aside their differences and presenting a united front. This unity not only safeguards their shared values and traditions but also reinforces the bonds between the clans, forging an unbreakable alliance.

Over time, this commitment to the pact has grown even stronger, as the clans recognize the significance of preserving their heritage and protecting their ancestral lands from any external forces that may seek to undermine their collective identity.


New York Daily Print

Saturday, October 6, 1906

Brooklyn, NY - Depsey, a 19-year-old girl from the Igorot Village in Coney Island, has mysteriously vanished. She was one of the newest attractions at Coney Island’s The Zoo, known for its unique and diverse exhibits. Depsey's captivating performances, showcasing traditional dances and cultural practices, had quickly gained popularity among visitors. However, her absence during the scheduled performance raised immediate concerns. The police are currently conducting an extensive investigation, interviewing witnesses to unravel the enigma surrounding her disappearance. The Zoo management are deeply worried, hoping for her safe return as they anxiously await updates from the authorities.

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