Chapter 2

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Detour To The Past

Aislin Aw-len was startled from her sleep by a deeply disturbing nightmare, leaving her drenched in sweat and tears, and her mind trapped in the hazy space between dreams and waking life.

The dream is filled with vivid imagery of a battleground where Spanish soldiers and their Filipino Allies engage in combat with Cordilleran Highlanders.

The air is thick with the acrid scent of gunpowder, mingling with the earthy aroma of sweat and fear. The deafening cracks of muskets pierced the silence, followed by the piercing screams of those struck down.

The ground shook as armored men stumbled, their lifeless eyes staring into nothingness. The men in loincloths fought with raw, primal aggression, their spears thrusting through the air with deadly precision. Blood painted the grass, staining it crimson, as the horrifying reality of war unfolded before her eyes. The screams echoed in her ears, a haunting melody of pain and anguish. Terrified, she stood frozen, unable to escape the gruesome spectacle unfolding before her.

As she recalled the memory, Aislin felt a shiver run down her spine and resolved to erase it from her thoughts, that dwelling on it would serve no purpose.

Aislin got up and noticed something amiss. She had assumed that her colleagues brought her to a nearby clinic after she passed out, but what she sees in front of her is nothing like what a clinic should look like.

Aislin thought that perhaps a compassionate local took pity on her and allowed her to take some rest within the confines of their house for a little while.

Her eyes scanned the interior of the house, and its rustic style instantly captivated her. Located in the corner of the room, there is a kitchen area featuring a traditional hearth. A shelf adjacent to it is stocked with dried woods. Another shelf is adorned with claypots and Chinese jars. The kitchen utensils are made of wood and boast intricate carvings. The stools made from thick flat boards, the pinewood table, and even the rectangular storage boxes all boast intricate carving designs, adding a beautiful touch to each piece.

The house is equipped with four sleeping quarters, along with several storage places and nooks dedicated to ritual objects.

Aislin is accustomed to modern architecture, and looking at this house adorned with captivating antique items; she found great pleasure in absorbing their beauty.

Aislin wanted to explore the house more, but her stomach began to growl. She remembered her colleagues who must have been waiting outside.

Sliding open the door, a gust of chilly wind brushed against her face, causing her to shiver. She felt colder when what was in front of her was nothing like she was expecting. She was expecting a buzzing town, a building, and maybe some vendors urging tourists to buy pasalubongs. Instead, what lies in front of her is a village.

This village is nestled amidst lush green mountains, with towering pine trees and terraced rice fields surrounding it. The traditional houses, made of wood and thatched roofs, blend seamlessly with the natural landscape. The people, with their striking traditional attire, are engaged in various daily activities. Some are engaged tending to their livestock, while others are weaving intricate patterns on their looms. The air is filled with the aroma of freshly cooked meals, and smoke rises from the hearths of each home.

Children can be seen running and playing in the open fields, their laughter echoing through the village. The sound of rushing water can be heard from a nearby stream, where women gather to wash clothes and fill their clay pots with crystal-clear water. The village is alive with the vibrant colors of flowers that bloom in every corner, adding a touch of beauty to the already picturesque setting. As the sun sets behind the mountains, the villagers gather around a communal bonfire, sharing stories and traditional songs that have been passed down through generations. The warmth and hospitality of this village are palpable, making it a haven for anyone seeking solace in nature's embrace.

The absence of modern amenities adds to the authenticity of the scene, making it feel like stepping back in time. It is a captivating sight, and that left Aislin in awe, wondering how such a picturesque and culturally rich village remains hidden from the tourist radar. The surroundings had an eerie, otherworldly quality, as if she had taken a detour to the past.

As Aislin looked around, her heart raced with confusion and disbelief. The village before her seemed untouched by modern civilization. There were no power lines, no streetlights, and no signs of any advanced technology. Instead, quaint thatched-roof houses lined the streets, and people moved about on foot or by horse-drawn carriages. It felt like stepping into a time capsule, transporting her back to a bygone era. Aislin desperately searched for any familiar landmarks or signs of the 21st century, but there was nothing. The absence of smartphones, cars, and even simple conveniences like running water challenged everything she knew to be true. Yet, deep down, she clung to the hope that this was just a hidden village, an undiscovered gem that existed in her own time and world. She tried to rationalize it, convincing herself that perhaps this place intentionally preserved an old way of life, shunning modernity for tradition. But the nagging doubts persisted, and with each passing moment, her grip on reality weakened.

"Perhaps the dense canopy of trees surrounding me cleverly concealed them," she thought.

Aislin pinched herself, but she felt a sharp sting on her skin, unconvinced of the evidence at hand.

As she frantically rummaged through the rooms, her heart raced with trepidation. The dimly lit dwelling seemed to hold secrets of their own, adding to her growing unease. Finally, she stumbled upon a small, dusty room adorned with intricate tapestries and ancient artifacts. In one corner, she discovered a weathered wooden vanity, its ornate mirror barely intact. With trembling hands, she carefully wiped away the layers of grime, desperate to catch a glimpse of her reflection.

Yet, to her dismay, the mirror was cracked, fragmented like her own sense of reality. Unable to see a clear image, she let out a frustrated sigh, her mind consumed by questions and doubts. Determined to find some answers, she turned her attention to the stone bowl nearby, filled with shimmering water. Its smooth surface beckoned her, offering a glimmer of hope in this perplexing situation.

Kneeling before the stone bowl, she peered into the rippling water, her eyes searching for any sign of familiarity. The distorted reflection stared back at her as if mocking her confusion. Straining her eyes, she tried to discern the features that had defined her previous self, desperately seeking validation of her identity.

Seeing that it was still her made her relax a bit. The unruly black hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her face in wild waves. Her lips, slightly uneven but full, had a natural pink hue that added a touch of playfulness to her expression. Above them, her button nose sat delicately, lending a cute charm to her features. Her meticulously trimmed eyebrows arched gracefully, accentuating the shape of her face. Curled eyelashes framed her golden brown eyes, which sparkled with warmth and curiosity. Each feature came together to create a unique and captivating beauty that was undeniably her own.

How did she end up in this era? The question nagged at her, urging her to delve into her memories. She closed her eyes, trying to summon any recollection of the events that led her here. Was it a mystical portal she had unknowingly stumbled upon? The possibilities seemed endless, and with each passing moment, her curiosity grew. However, amidst her desire to explore this new world, fear crept in. She was an outsider, unfamiliar with the customs, the technology, and the intricacies of this era. The uncertainties loomed large, and her lack of knowledge made her feel vulnerable. The thought of interacting with the people, navigating the complexities of their society, and forging her path ahead overwhelmed her.

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