Chapter 10

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A Glimmer of Hope

Olayon ventured out into the wilderness in search of sustenance to satiate their hunger and made his way to a stream to catch fish.

Inside the damp and foreboding cave, Aislin chose to stay and wait, biding her time for what would happen next.

Aislin found herself bored and decided to pass the time by collecting stones. Once she had reached a count of fifty stones, she exited the cave and patiently waited for Olayon to arrive.

She smiled brightly upon seeing the tall grass stir.

Her smile quickly vanished as she realized that the figure she expected, of a nice-looking man carrying food, was not the sight before her.

Instead, a large, hairy, menacing black boar emerged, its grunts and sharp tusks conveying its hunger and aggression.

As the boar approached, its massive frame seemed to fill the air with tension. Its coarse, black fur bristled with aggression, and its deep grunts echoed through the stillness of the grassy clearing.

The smell of earth and wildness hung heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of fear that now gripped her. The ground trembled beneath her feet as the boar pawed at the earth, its pointed tusks gleaming ominously.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins, causing her heart to race. She stood frozen; her smile long gone, replaced by a mix of fear and willpower.

In a panic, Aislin ran quickly through the forest, not knowing where she was going. She just wanted to get away, not wanting to be shredded by an animal that was supposed to be dinner.

As she sprinted through the dense undergrowth, Aislin's heart pounded in her chest, matching the rhythm of her thundering footsteps. The forest seemed to close in around her, its eerie silence broken only by the sound of her ragged breaths.

Branches whipped at her arms, leaving angry scratches in their wake. Blood trickled down her face, mingling with the sweat that drenched her skin. But she refused to let the pain slow her down.

The relentless pursuit echoed behind her, growing closer with every passing second. A guttural growl sent shivers down her spine, fueling her desperate need to escape. She pushed herself harder, ignoring the burning ache in her muscles.

She pressed on, driven by an instinctual need to survive. Fear pulsed through her veins, urging her to go faster to outrun the impending doom.

But just as she thought she might escape, fate intervened. A root, hidden beneath a carpet of fallen leaves, snaked out from the ground, tripping her up. Aislin crashed to the forest floor, her body skidding across the rough terrain.

Pain exploded through her as gravel bit into her palms, but she refused to surrender. Gritting her teeth, she clawed her way back up, her determination reigniting like a flickering flame. She could not allow herself to be caught to become prey.

With renewed resolve, Aislin pushed herself to her limits, her legs burning with exertion. The trees blurred into a frenzied kaleidoscope around her as she hurtled forward, her mind focused solely on survival.

As the forest thinned, she burst into a small clearing. It was too late to halt her sprint upon catching sight of the stream, rendering her incapable of halting her descent.

Aislin plunged into the profound water, her limbs thrashed wildly, frantically searching for a foothold or something to hold on to.

Her heart pounded in her chest, the thud echoing in her ears as she fought against the mounting pressure. The weight of the water pressed against her, suffocating her every gasp for air.

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