Jungwon- Jealousy🩹🥀🧸

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Jungwon POV

We have a special feature on music bank! It's rare but we got the opportunity. We were going to perform Still Monster with a special dance break. 

The choreographer is teaching the choreo to us right now. 

"So now I want Niki to get on Jungwon's shoulders and then do choreo behind everyone so it seems like he is floating" The choreographer said

I was a bit nerves since Niki is bigger than me and I don't want to drop him. I also didn't want to not do it because that would be troublesome for the choreographer. 

I let Niki get on my shoulders and I slowly stood up. He was around my weight so it was really hard to hold him up. Plus, I skipped breakfast so I felt extra weak and wobbly. 

"Now do the step Niki" The choreographer and he started moving. This was so hard. I also felt him slowly loose balance and I was loosing strength.

Then hell broke loose. Like felt like slow motion. Niki fell on me and I fell fully on my elbow. It hurt so fucking much. I wanted to cry. Then everyone rushed to make sure Niki was ok. Why not me? 

"Niki! Are you ok? You fell from so high!" Sunghoon hyung said examining him for injuries

"Ya, I think so. I lost balance. My knee hurts a lot!" He said.

"Aigoo! Let me see" Heeseung hyung said. They all looked at his knee

"Aw, thats gonna make a bad bruise" He said, like did I not exist? I mean literally cushioned Niki's fall. 

Why do they only care about him? I know he is the youngest but I am also the second youngest! I might be the leader but I am also only 19.  

"Let me carry you" Jake hyung said.

Jake hyung carried him and everyone followed while I was still on the ground. My elbow hurt like shit!

I pulled my sleeve up  and looked at my elbow. It was already purple and It was really swollen. It hurt so much to even move it a bit. I knew something really wrong. I needed to get this checked.

I called the manager to tell him about this. He told me he will pick me up.

Time Skip

Right now we are in the waiting room after I did the x-ray. I just got called in.

"So, Mr. Yang you have fractured your elbow. You will need this brace. You will need to wear it for 1 month. You can not do any physical activity for that 1 month."

(This is what I mean)

(This is what I mean)

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I felt like crying. I won't be able to do anything for 1 whole month. And my members don't even care. Like not even a single call. I guess Niki's bruise is more important. 

"Hyung don't tell the members and when they show up to practise if they ask about me then only tell them to find out themselves." I tell my manager. I want my members to realise their mistake. 

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