Memories- Niki🧸

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Requested by: lover4chulsoo

Niki POV

I was so happy we were going to Japan for our Fate World Tour! I could be home again! I was beyond happy. I would get to meet my family and spend time with them! I had been homesick for so long. Its not that I did not feel at home with my great Enhypen members but home home just felt different. Right now we were on the plane and I was so happy. I was messaging Konon right now. I was so excited to meet her. We may fight a lot, I mean all siblings do but we do love each other. I can't wait to vent out all my problems to her. Her, Heeseung hyung, and Jungwon hyung were the only people I could freely rant out all my problems to. 

Time skip

The plane had just landed and we had to get through the airport. It was my least favourite part of all of this but our bodyguards did a great job and protected us. We all would be staying at my parents house since they invited us. I mean my house was pretty big so we all could comfortably fit. 

Two days later

I had spent the two days with my family and I really enjoyed it but now we had our concert which I was also really excited for! We were getting ready and I was just thinking about everything that I had experienced since I left Japan and became a trainee. The makeup noonas were doing my makeup for our newest Japanese song, Blossom. We had almost finished the concert as this was the last song and after this it was just like fan interactions. 

We just went on stage and started singing Blossom and the entire crowd was singing in sync and it was so surreal! I just thought of everything we went though as a group then I thought of how I left Japan to accomplish my dream with barely and possibility of me debuting. It felt so accomplishing to be performing at Tokyo dome. 

I felt tears rise to my eyes, My vision getting blurry but my ears still hearing the Japanese engenes singing Blossom. My members noticed the tears in my eyes and came to comfort me.

"Niki why are you crying?" Jake hyung worriedly asked

"Don't worry, its fine I am just getting emotions for no reason" I choked out

"Niki-ah don't say that! You have every reason to be emotional now" Jungwon hyung said hugging me and starting to sing his line

I think the engenes noticed I was crying since they sung even louder during my lines since I was busy crying my eyes out. 

Once the song was over the engenes started chanting "Niki don't cry". It was so loud, i got out of Jungwon hyung's arms and told them not to worry. They stopped chanting and I wiped my tears and started laughing and interacting with the engenes.

Words: 489

A/N: Well I am so sorry for the long wait but here it is! I hope you like it and I have a question. Would you guys mind if I did a couple of like oneshots? Like not Shipping the Enhypen members or reader but like situations that I made up? If you guys mind I won't do it but like would it be fine if I did because I have had a couple of these ideas in mind since a long time and I would love to write them. None of these situations would be like a sickfic but like more of just cute, funny, and imaginary situations. Please let me know in the comment~

Enhypen SickficsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora