Jay- shoulder🩹🥀🧸

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Requested By: @Seventeen_is_amazing  


I woke up and groaned in pain. I had fallen while going down the stairs and landed on my shoulder wrong. I didn't tell my members since I thought it was just sore and nothing more. Then Jake came in our shared room and went into the bathroom. I got up and moved my shoulder around a bit brining immense pain to shoot down my arm. I decided to stop doing that and go outside. 

I went outside and saw Jungwon shouting on the phone while looking really upset. I nudged Heeseung hyung and asked what happened. 

"I don't know but I think its something to with our manager" Shrugged Heeseung

"Well he is gonna be in a bad mood today and man it is going to be a scary day" I said 

"Ya, we better not piss him of today or else we are dead" Heesung hyung said

Soon after another like 10 minutes of him shouting on the phone he pulled it away from his ear, cut the call and aggressively threw it on the couch. I think I heard his cursing under his breath. That's when I knew it was really bad.

"Jungwon what happend?" Asked Sunghoon who was watching to scene along with Heesung hyung, Niki, and me. 

"Everything is so fucking messed up! Our manager had some family emergency and now I have to handle everything for 2 days until they can get a new manager!?" He said practically shouting.

"Wait so you have to do our schedules and stuff?" I asked

"ya and a lot more" He said and then stormed out.

Then I went ack to my room and told Jake what happened and told him not to piss Jungwon off. Then I went to take a shower my shoulder was like a bit bruised and stuff but I still did not think it was important enough to tell the members , especially with Jungwon in that state.

I got in my clothes and went to our practise room. I went in and saw everyone except Jungwon but just I was about to ask them about it Jungwon stormed into the practise room. 


I was kinda nerves since my shoulder hurt and I did not know if I would be able to do the moves properly

We were doing Drunk dazed right now since each day we had to practise one of our old songs, yesterday we did Go Big Or Go Home. We started but I was already not able to do it properly because of my shoulder. The pain was killing me. I wanted to sit and cry but I could not.

I think the other noticed. Because Jungwon slightly annoyed told me to pull myself together and start again. Man I was so nerves. 

Time skip

It had been like half an hour and I still could not do the choreo properly and everyone was starting to get a bit annoyed but Jungwon was fuming. 

"JAY HYUNG! Get yourself together! I can not deal with this right now! I have so much other work these two days! Stop being so lazy!" He snapped and shouted

Everyone was shocked at his outburst. I was so hurt mentally and physically. I had tears in my eyes so I just walked to my bag, picked it up and walked out without another word. Now I knew there was seriously something wrong with my shoulder so I went to the doctors. 

Time skip

The doctor had finished doing my check up and I had no idea what he was saying except the fact that I had to wear a sling for 2 weeks. I was so upset as I would not be able to dance. 

I did not want to go back to the dorm but I had to.

Jungwon POV 

We had come back from practise around 20 minutes ago. I let everyone leave an hour early since Jay hyung had left. He still was not back home. Was I a terrible leader? Was I too harsh? I am such a bad leader! I let out all my frustrations on my innocent members. What if something happened to Jay hyung because of me? Ugh I was so mad at myself! Why can't stupid Be:lift just get someone else to do this shit for me!? I am an idol! Not a manager. 

While I was being mad at myself I heard the front door open and someone come in. I went outside and saw Jay hyung but he was in an arm sling! Was that because of me?!

"Before you say anything Jungwon, let me let you know that you are not the reason of my injury and I am not mad at you" He said.

By then everyone was in the hall and we engulfed Jay hyung in a big hug. 

"How did this happened hyung?!" Asked Niki

"Well I kind of fell down the stairs yesterday and that is also why I wasn't able to do the choreo properly" He said and I felt more guilty then ever

I felt tears flood my vision and I looked down to hide my tears. Then Jay hyung noticed and hugged me burying my head in his shoulder. I just cried.

"Hey Jungwonie I don't blame you at all! You were just stressed. I could never imagine myself in that position, I don't know how you didn't burst out at all of us" He said

"But I did" I said still in his shoulder

"No, that was a very normal reaction for your situation, if anything its my fault. I didn't tell you guys" he said trying to calm me down

"I am sorry but can I sleep with you tonight?" I whispered the last part so only he heard it

He hummed in response. 

In the two weeks he was not able to dance, we took care of him. He would complain that we took too much care. After this I learnt not to say things to someone without knowing their situation.

Words: 1010

A/N: Well well well. This was so long and @Seventeen_is_amazing sorry for doing your request 2 months late. Buts its fine right? We are friends just don't kill me. But hey, I still did it! I hope you will not kill me at school tomorrow. Guys if this book gets abandoned its gonna be bc Seventeen_is_amazing would have killed me. Pls send help.  But jokes aside I hope this satisfied your needs and was worth the wait of 2 months😅

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