Sunoo- Threatened🥀🩹

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Sunoo POV

It has been a few days since the manager has started mistreating me. I don't know why he chose to mistreat me out of all the members but I am thankful it is me and not any of my precious members. 

He would always make me stay back and I did not tell my members so they won't worry. Mr.Cha acts like an angel around everyone else.

As usual he made me stay back today. Normally he makes me practise more dance or do his work for him. 

Today he came to me and told me to do the slickback challenge. I had tried before with the members and I was just terrible at it.

"You better do it perfect! If not then go again!" He shouted

"B-But won't Niki do better? He is a better dancer and he is more popular." I said very nerves

"Shut up and do what I tell you!" He shouted again.

I started trying again and again but he was just no satisfied. I told him I could not do it! 

Time skip

I had been doing the challenge for like the past hour and my legs were starting to go numb. It was just too much. 

I tried again but because I was so tired that my legs tangled and I feel right on my arm. 

My wrist hurt like a bitch. I wanted to cry. 

"Aish! So useless! You better not tell your members or I will get you fired." Mr.Cha said. 

I was so scared so I just nodded and practically ran out the room. My wrist was throbbing and it started to turn purple. 

I just covered it with my sleeve so my members would not see. 

Time skip (1 week) 

My wrist had still not gotten better and Mr.Cha still was as hard on me. I struggled to dance so much. I would cry myself to sleep every night due to the pain. 

I was eating dinner with everyone when I accidently used my injured wrist to reach forward to grab more food. I winced loudly and all eyes were on me. 

I wanted to cry. I wanted to tell them but I didn't want to be fired. 

"Hey...Sunoo what happened? Are you hurt?" Heeseung hyung kindly asked. That was my limit. I just cried and Sunghoon hyung hugged me. 

Once I stopped crying and just kept sniffing they asked me again. I was so nerves, I didn't want to be fired. Who would want to be fired?

"It's fine you can tell us hyungie" Jungwon said

"M-Mr.Cha has been forcing me to stay back and do things and one day he made me do the slickback challenge. He made me keep redoing it until I fell and hurt myself. then he told me that if I told anyone I was be fired." I said still shaking in Sunghoon hyung's arms.

Everyone looked enraged. And since no one was in their right minds after listening to that Jungwon took charge as leader.

"I need Heeseung hyung to come with me to Hitman Bang to report Mr.Cha and I want the rest of you to go get Sunoo hyung to the hospital" He said sounding very scary. Who knew a a cat and also turn into a tiger. 

I got taken by everyone except Heeseung hyung and Jungwon to the hospital. No words were exchanged and everyone was just too angry. 

We reached the hospital and it turns out that I had a sprain that was pretty small but because I moved so much it got worse and I needed a medical brace and could not dance for 2 weeks.

Time skip

I was now at the dorms and Jungwon and Heeseung hyung got Mr.Cha fired. Turns out I am not the only person he has done this to. 

After that they took care of me and literally everyone became protective of everyone. I mean, I understand why but now we barely even leave each others sides-

 Words: 655

A/N: Sorry for not uploading this long. I just didn't have too many ideas and I was having a bit of a writer's block but I am back! I promise not to go away for this long ever again. And please please PLASE give me more requests! I just love seeing your ideas! I could have never thought of some of them! And I have question, what is YOUR favorite Enhypen ship? Mine are Heewon, Jaywon, Wonki, and Heejake. Ik its a lot of Jungwon but in baised- I hope you are doing well and love from me! Have a good day/night!

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