Chapter XLI - "Please!"

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Book after another, I silently decked them from shelf A to Z. Was Naomi . . . confronted? And was he talking to Lav? It would only make sense. Lav knows about his receipt. Yet it doesn't add up, does it?

I stop.

Behind me, I felt something. A . . . presence. Like a looming aura. Ghosts aren't real, but why can I feel them so vividly? Blue eyes, brunette hair, and blood.

Slowly, I looked back.

Nobody. Nobody was there. I was alone once more.

"Ay, mate, it really isn't funny!" A booming, loud Cockney accent rattled the library. The presence shifted, but didn't disappear. "When I said force me here, I didn't mean grabbin' and draggin' me by the scruff my nec— Hey!"

Oh, great. Well if it isn't Mr. Greywood. Seth Greywood.

Accepting my fate, I continue sorting books. One way or another, I knew Seth would find me. And he did.

"Steph?" He almost burst out laughing. "As in the good-boy-Steph?"

"Not now, Woody."

"Oi, I told you notta' call me that anymore."

I face him, irritated. "I'm not in the mood. Please leave me alone."


"You're a scumbag."

"And you're the scum."

. . .

I turn around to leave. I can't be around him. I might lose my mind.

"Are you and Blossom an item?"

I freeze.

Seth throws his arm around my shoulder and grumbles, to which I flinch. "Are you dating?"

Were Ollie and I too close in class?!?

"I-I have no idea what you're talking about."

He scoffs. "Let me give ya a lump of ice."

"Lump of ice?"

"Some advice." He answers, rather expecting me to know his slang. "First of all," He leers me around the Library, grunting. "Are you over Pandora?"

"Y-Yes." I stumble as he ushers me around like a dog. "We broke up two years ago, Seth."

"Good. My advice is to not date Blossom at all. Negative. Nah-dah. Bad for ya' mental health."

I tried stopping but he only kept leading me from shelf to shelf. "Can you let go of me?"

"Afraid not, bitch. Okay, second advice, why Blossom?"

I scowl, almost offended. "Do you have a problem with him like you do with everybody else?"

"Him?" He ceases halt. "Him??? I was talkin' about the female, dumbass. Molly Blossom."


I clear my throat in embarrassment and relief. Now, I might as well gaslight him. "That's what I said. Do you have a problem with Molly?"

" . . . Are you playing games on me?"


"Whatever. Moving on. Honestly, if you didn't snatch that beauty for yourself, I would've got her."

Now that's a laugh. "Please. You don't have a chance. And I'm not dating her."

"Cut the bullshit. You lot are always together."

"We're friends."

"What does her brother think about that?"

I push his arm off my shoulder, gently shoving him away. "Can you leave me alone?"

He fixes his blazer, eyeing me up and down. "Do you got anything against Naomi Vegas?"

" . . . Why?"

"I saw you staring at him a while ago. Jumpy, wasn't he? I know that look you gave him. Don't bother hiding it."

I pick up a book from beside him and start stacking them, snatching them quite aggressively. "It's none of your business."

"Come on."

Fiction, non-fiction, lifestyle, and education. I grab all the genres, avoiding eye contact. " . . . "

"Cat got your tongue?"

He'll go away soon.

He slams his hand on my book. "Hey. Don't ignore me."

I get it regardless. As I snared it away, I wondered. How many people find me suspicious in this school? Nevertheless, how many people find me suspicious in general?

Class Of 96': 1994 (BxB Mystery)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن