Chapter 70- Observer

Start from the beginning

My mouth hangs open at Inejra's speech about what I should wear. "Do we even have one of those?" 

Inejra nods and gets into the first drawer in the brown chest of drawers, "Yeah, that's why I suggested it. I found a journal here and the teenager who lived here was way into fashion." 

Just as she's talking, she pulls out, in fact, a red lace corset. I scratch the back of my head and stare at it, "It's very..." 

"Not you? Yes, it is. Oh, it so is." Alyssa giggles, grabbing the corset and handing it to me. 

Compromise, Adrian. This is the compromise.

I sigh and grab the corset, it's either this or a dress that shows my whole back, scars included.

Alyssa smiles broadly and grabs Inejra's hand, "Get dressed!" She yells as she practically drags Inejra out of the room and closes the door. 

Once the door is shut, I stare at the corset that is now lying on the bed next to the dress. 

"Oh god," I whisper, rolling my eyes. 

"Well hot, motha' fuckin' damn." Abraham catcalls, walking over to me while holding two plastic cups of beer. 

I scoff, "It was this or a dress." 

Abraham nods and looks me up and down, handing me a cup, "Glad you chose this." He says with a smile. 

When he hits on me, or comments on what I look like, I don't mind it. Like how I feel when Damien does that. Abraham and I grew way closer over the time we were on the road and every day he seems more and more like my brother. 

I sneer, "Oh if only we both weren't in relationships."

Abraham chuckles, "If only." He looks at the cup of beer I'm holding and says, "I poured a few shots of whiskey in there just for you." 

I don't even give him a reaction, I just immediately raise the cup to my lips and take two large gulps. He chuckles, "Slow down there, kitty cat. Pace yourself before you black out." 

I look around the room at all the people while wiping the corner of my mouth. "That would be preferable." 

Abraham snorts and steps closer, "How about this, we both try to be...civil to these people for two hours. Once those two hours are up, you, Damien, and I can dip and rummage through your backpack for some weed. I know you have some." 

I raise an eyebrow and smirk, "Ima' go talk to people." I say, taking another gulp of beer-whiskey and walking away. 

Alyssa ran off with Inejra and Carl, they went to go find the other kids. 

"Well hello," Someone says behind me. 

I stop dead in my tracks at the sound of the man's voice. It's how Abraham's voice sounded, but less playful. 

I turn around and I'm met face-to-face with a tall, movie-looking man. He's wearing a navy blue sweater and black dress pants. He's holding a glass of bourbon and he has very light stubble on his jawline. 

"I'm Spencer." He says with a smile. 

I raise an eyebrow and look him up and down, "Your voice sounds like a little girl's." I say with sass. 

He chuckles, "See this is the part where you introduce your..." His eyes look my body up and down. "Self." 

The way his gaze is, it makes my whole body tense and every hair I have on my body stands straight up. "Adrian Dixon." 

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